It’s cold up north. So, time for a winter boat show? What’s that got to do with seaplanes? Why don’t organizers present the Minneapolis Boat Show in spring or summer? Fact: Minnesota owns 30% more boats per capita than any other American state. Wisconsin is in third while South Carolina is second. Florida leads the nation in registered boats but it has a larger population than Minnesota. Who cares about boats (or seaplanes) in the dead of winter? Well, what better way to endure icy streets and frigid temperatures than to go look at boats and dream of using them come summer — Plan Ahead! As with airplanes, boats can’t be built overnight, so ordering early ensures that when the lakes finally do open up, fun starts quickly thereafter. Affordable Aventura I know the word “affordable” is packed with meaning and that it signifies something different to each individual. Nonetheless, I think it’s correct to state Aero Adventure makes some the most affordable amphibians* on the market.
It’s Winter, So Let’s Talk Seaplanes — Aero Adventure’s Affordable Amphibious Aircraft
Affordable Aventura
I know the word "affordable" is packed with meaning and that it signifies something different to each individual. Nonetheless, I think it's correct to state Aero Adventure makes some the most affordable amphibians* on the market. Heck, amphibious floats alone for, say, a Cessna 182 would cost more than the Florida company's entire aircraft, brand new. If you've never priced seaplanes, you may be in for a surprise.How Affordable?
In late 2022, Alex stated, "$25,000 for a full Aventura I airframe kit. Add an MZ202 engine and allow $1,000 for very basic avionics and you can get airborne for only $32,000." Yes, you'll invest a couple hundred hours of labor to assemble but that makes Aventura I among the lowest-cost, fixed-wing, three-axis seaplanes money can buy. They can build it for you, if you prefer. Contact Aero Adventure for a quote.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Aventura II data supplied by manufacturer
- Gross Weight — 1,430 pounds
- Empty Weight — 880 pounds
- Height — 7 feet
- Length — 23 feet
- Wing Span — 30 feet 8 inches
- Wing Area — 161.7 square feet
- Stall, with best flaps — mph 38 miles per hour
- Stall, flaps retracted — 42 miles per hour
- Top Speed — 105 miles per hour
- Cruise Speed, common — 75-85 miles per hour
- Range — 300 statute miles
- Rate of Climb, pilot only — 1,200 feet per minute
- Takeoff Distance, Land — 250 feet
- Takeoff Distance, Water — 350 feet
- Landing Distance — 200 feet
- Fuel Capacity — 12 or 23 U.S. gallons
- Aero Adventure, factory wesbite
- Aero Affinity, business website
- Aero Adventure, full contact information and all Aventura content on this website
- DeLand Showcase event
- DeLand municipal airport, city website
- Sun 'n Fun 2023, again offering the LSA Mall by LAMA, sponsored by DeLand Airport and Aero Affinity
* For those seeking even lower cost options, consider a used amphibian, for example, a Buccaneer (a predecessor of the Aventura line of today). Check this article on used Part 103 amphibians available for even less.