As the end of the year approaches and as excitement builds for 2024, I have some news items of interest to the light aircraft community.
Right before Christmas, read about the maiden flight of Junkers side-by-side A60, a year-end recap provided by Icon Aircraft, and year highlights from leading engine producer Rotax Aircraft Engines. Let’s get started…
Junkers A60 Flies!
Earlier this year, Junkers garnered lots of attention with their highly distinctive A50 Junior, an LSA with tandem seating and a look you won’t forget. Not everyone loves tandem, though, so here comes A6o, the side-by-side sibling of Junior.
We saw Junkers Aircraft‘s’ A50 Junior at Sun ‘n Fun 2023, where it made a splashy debut and flew for the first time in front of American pilots off the grass strip in Paradise City (the airshow within an airshow at Sun ‘n Fun). While most who examined it closely admired the detailed workmanship that went into it, not everyone desires tandem seating.
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AVI’s Affordable, Foldable, Composite Part 103 Ultralight Aircraft Gets a Fresh New Look
Aeromarine LSA’s Chip Erwin is one but certainly not the only busy fellow in the modern Part 103 aircraft space. AVI’s Radu Berceanu is another a man on the move. Chip works in metal. Radu works in composite. You know Chip better (he’s adept at PR) but you probably know Radu’s designs. Readers have responded enthusiastically to articles and videos about Swan.
In an earlier article I promised a video look. Now that the flying season is easing into the holidays, I have more time to spend editing videos. What takes a few minutes to shoot takes hours to edit but I’m pleased to let you hear from Radu himself. His English is quite good and you get a lot of views of the new & improved Swan, now called Swan LE.
Fresh Swan Retake
The article from April this year had additional detail for Swan LE and mentions Dracula, the subject of a future video and article.
“…and a Darkness Descended…” Solar Eclipse Spectacular for Pilots at Mt. Vernon (KMVN)
You know Mt. Vernon, or you should. For 15 years, I’ve reported from, recorded videos at, and given talks at the Midwest LSA Expo, which is held at the Mt. Vernon, Illinois municipal airport, about an hour’s drive east of St. Louis.
Normally at Mt. Vernon, “It’s all about the airplanes!” It will again be so come September 5-7, 2024 — more on that below.
However, in April 2024, here comes something different and special for pilots at Mt. Vernon.
Going Dark
Out went the Message — “Calling all Midwest LSA Expo Attendees, AirVenture Cup/Air Race Classic Racers, KR/Ercoupe/Fly-Baby Builders/Flyers, Bonnie Aviator Club Members, CAA Members, and all Area Aviators!”
What?! Is KMVN manager Chris Collins simply asking very early for pilots to attend September’s LSA Expo. Nope! The announcement continued…
Mother Nature will provide an airshow at KMVN not to be seen again until 2044!
“Join us at KMVN at approximately 2:00 pm on Monday, April 8, 2024 to experience a 4-minute solar eclipse.
Humble Triangle — Innovative Glider Control Mechanism Has a Nearly Unknown History
When Wilbur and Orville set out to fly their first airplane 120 years ago, aeronautical knowledge was rare and precious. Pioneers like Lilienthal preceded the Wright Brothers but the Ohio bike shop owners still had to figure out almost everything. They did so without funding, university degrees, or government help. Today, nearly every aviator celebrates their December 1903 achievement.
Aviation is a many-varied activity, though, and not all aircraft followed the same development path. Especially after World War II and the arrival of kit-built aircraft, American aviators began exploring in many directions.
Around the time NASA was pushing hard to land on the moon, a growing group of enthusiasts were jumping off mountains in pursuit of flight. Hang gliding soared into sky in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Enthusiasts grew to more than 100,000 active hang glider pilots globally, flying in nearly every country on Earth, perhaps as the most affordable of all aircraft.
Elephants and Gyroplanes… What on Earth Could They Have in Common? Freedom!
One of the brightest stars in the Mosaic regulatory constellation is allowing LSA to do “aerial work.” In today’s LSA, the only compensated activities Americans can perform are flight instruction and limited towing operations. Any more is prohibited by SP/LSA regulations. Why is this important?
Since 2014, LAMA has explained that light aircraft could be used productively for many work missions, although the Association was careful to stress that it was not advocating for passenger or cargo hauling. Many other aerial working activities were demonstrated to FAA. Agency rule writers agreed and the opportunity is coming with Mosaic.
Admittedly, the community does not yet have all the information needed on what pilot credentials will be required to use Mosaic LSA for aerial work, but as the agency weighs comments and discusses this internally, we hope Flight Standards (which manages such things) will remain as reasonable as the Aircraft Certification group.
In this article I am pleased to observe one credible use of an LSA to do some serious aerial work.
TrueLite’s New Wing — U.S. Importer On-Site Finalizing Affordable Part 103 Project
When I wrote about TrueLite a little over one year ago, readers loved the concept pushing the article to one of my best-read pieces of the year. That story had lots of detail, different from what follows.
Now the story is the start of production and preparation of import to the US for final assembly.
Francesco Di Martino is the man behind Zigolo, a superlight Part 103 entry. Zigolo looked so light in construction, relying partly on cable support, some pilots were hesitant about the design. A few years passed and sales were made but behind the hangar door, Francesco was busy with his Aviad company.
As a follow-on to the earlier project, Francesco created the all-metal, much-updated Mg21 as he called it; Zigolo was called Mg12.
When Francesco linked up with Part 103 impresario Chip Erwin of Merlin Lite fame, things started to move quickly.
Affordable, Fun, and a High Payload… What’s Not to Love about Powrachute’s AirWolf?
Last summer, when EAA AirVenture Oshkosh exploded with news that FAA released Mosaic, nearly all the attention was on increased weight and speed, and capabilities like retractable gear, controllable props, even multiengine or turbine aircraft. Christmas in July, I called it, so plentiful were FAA’s gifts to pilots and industry.
While all these items will add capability, they also increase prices. Is that what you want? Let me guess not for most readers. This website thrives on affordable aviation. Features that add substantial cost limit affordability.
Mosaic will trigger a bifurcation within the LSA community and it goes something like this: If you like the airplane you have now, you probably will not like the price of a Mosaic LSA. However, if you feel constrained in weight-carrying capacity or speed or if you want multiple engines, then Mosaic may address your wishes.
The great news? You can have it both ways.
Earthstar’s Thunder Gull Is Soaring Capable and Was a Pioneer in Electric Propulsion
Continuing our tour of the Top 50 videos from Videoman Dave’s popular YouTube channel, we come to Earthstar Aircraft’s Thundergull. My interview with Mark about his electric project garnered 236,000 views and ranks at #11 among the Top 50 of Dave’s more than 1,500 videos.
This remarkable small aircraft, a single seater until their Odyssey model came out, was ahead of its time. Over a successful run dating back into the 1990s, Thunder Gull evolved into several variations and developer Mark Beierle experimented with various propulsion systems. A gifted designer, Mark pursued development more than production so the total number of ‘Gulls has never become large.
If you are looking to buy, getting a current owner to part with their pride and joy could be challenging. The Earthstar website is functional but does not appear to have been updated in some time.
Thunder Gull owners or pilots may be purists insisting nothing compares to their Gull, yet some interested buyers are aware Titan Aircraft makes a very similar aircraft.
It’s What!? “It’s an …Ultralight Motorglider Floatplane,” and Many Can Afford It
In 2021, Merlin Lite lit up cyberspace after I wrote about the new entry’s introduction at Midwest LSA Expo in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. So many tens of thousands of you wanted to read about this intriguing aircraft that I worried the website could crash.
A few other airplanes have drawn large numbers of readers but Chip Erwin creations seem to do that with regularity. Most companies I write about struggle to come up with something new each year when we greet each other at airshows.
Contrarily, Chip is so bubbling with new ideas and excitement about them that he can barely talk fast enough to get all the words out of his mind. He’s always an exciting interview and a new video below offers another.
Why a…
Following is what Chip has to say about his new creation. This is not identical to what’s in the video, so you want to read the following plus catch the video to learn more.
Composite Whisper Resembles an RV; Offers Quicker Build, Faster Delivery, and Speedy Performance
As the recreational flying season slows and northern states button down for winter, one Florida LSA supplier is headed further south, much further. As he prepares for the upcoming 2024 season, Deon Lombard is headed to South Africa where he will work with the Whisper factory for three months as manufacturer and importer prepare to launch the product in the USA.
Deon is not the first to go after the Whisper prize in America but he is taking a different approach. Here’s the update on Whisper, which looks remarkably like an RV made out of composite.
As spring arrives, look for Deon and Whisper at Sun ‘n Fun 2024 when the famous Florida event celebrates its 50th anniversary.
With wait times exceeding a year for most fully-built LSA and even for many kits, Whisper looks more interesting with faster delivery predicted plus Mosaic-rule top speeds.
Article Updated 11/13/23 — see area captioned with **
Why “Whisper?”
This is not a battery electric aircraft so why call it Whisper?
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