Earlier this year, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced in Abu Dhabi a regulation for Light-Sport Aircraft by the director-general of the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), Saif Mohammed Al Suwaidi. GCAA reported, “Sport aviation enthusiasts will be given access to light aircraft of certain specifications only at licensed sport aviation clubs in the UAE, according to a statement by the civil aviation regulator.” This action represents another country to join the parade of those accepting ASTM industry consensus standards as a means of approving an aircraft. As we reported in March this year, UAE adds to USA, Australia, Columbia, Brazil, the EU, and China as countries that embrace either a nearly identical regulation to the U.S., or at least they accept the ASTM standards with some differences in their country. For example, some countries allow in-flight adjustable props where the U.S. does not, however, the ASTM standards accommodate that difference and can do so for other differences far more easily than a hodgepodge of regulations in each country.