SportCruiser shows lovely lines in this sunset photo at Naked Lady Ranch, home of Sport Aircraft Works. A well-equipped panel has evolved nicely along with the airframe. The Florida company also represents the all-composite Dynamic. Read my pilot reports on SportCruiser and WT-9.
October 2007 was the One for Sport Aircraft Works, U.S. importer of Czech Aircraft Works (CZAW) airplanes. They registered #41 SLSA with FAA, they took order #101 for their SportCruiser, and they sold a pair of SportCruisers to the #21 school to adopt the brand and become a Sport Aircraft Pilot Center. Customer deliveries reached 40 for CZAW’s best-selling SportCruiser. Sport Aircraft Works Director of Sales Bob Anderson said, “SportCruiser is one of the few aircraft sold as a Light Sport Aircraft that was designed for the 1,320-pound weight limit,” that is, it wasn’t scaled up from a European 992-pound (450 kg) microlight. The company partners with Gleim Publishing for training documents in their Sport Aircraft Pilot Centers. *** Sport Aircraft Works also represents the Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic which can be homebuilt as a retractable speedster or flown by a Sport Pilot with fixed gear and a prop that translates speed into more climb. *** Operated by longtime airplane developer Danny Defelici, Sport Aircraft Works is closely associated with CZAW; Danny has brought valuable refinements to Czech-designed products. He also applied his expertise to the amphibious Mermaid, the first aircraft many American pilots associate with Czech Aircraft Works.
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