The flying entourage has grown from five brands the first time around to a total of 10 Light-Sport Aircraft including: TL Sting, TL Sirius, Zlin iCub, Legend Cub, Rans S-19, Flight Design CTLS, CSA SportCruiser, Jabiru J-230, Remos GX, and CubCrafters (SportCub). This flock includes several of the best-selling LSA. *** Following on the success of January’s Florida LSA Tour, the idea is to bring the show to the people. The truth is most pilots cannot attend every airshow for a variety of reasons. Even though the LSA concept has generated a lot of attention inside aviation over the last six years, the fact remains that, “most pilots in the country have yet to even see a LSA,” to quote industry leader, Tom Peghiny of Flight Design USA. The Georgia LSA Tour will change that as those airplanes exhibited at Sun ‘n Fun trek their way north to home bases. *** These Tour stops coordinate with local contacts at each location (see nearby chart with Tour stop details and contact info). The events are low-key and offer unprecedented contact with the airplanes and the people representing them. Since all occur at airports, demo flying is naturally a big part of the appeal. *** Of course, you can always trek to the big airshows and meet the same people. You might even squeeze in a demonstration flight but it is more challenging with high traffic at the airshow field or some length of commute to a nearby field where a manufacturer might be demo flying his aircraft. Plus, you have cost to travel to the show and to pay for entry and you have lodging and dining expenses. The LSA Tour that comes to you saves all that and you sleep in your own bed at night. *** The Georgia LSA Tour will kick off just as Sun ‘n Fun 2011 ends. The Lakeland, Florida event starts Tuesday March 29th. If you can travel to central Florida, be sure to stop by the LSA Mall just inside the entrance gate where you can see a good collection of the best-selling brands all located near one another to aid your comparison. From the LSA Mall you can get directions to find the manufacturer’s commercial display. Welcome to the friendly skies of Light-Sport Aircraft!
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