We are awash in bad news from Ukraine. Some is honest reporting of the extremely difficult circumstances for many in the war-racked nation. Yet media does not always grace itself, always finding the worst of the news to report in somber tones.
Amazingly, it’s not all bad. While heads of state send troops into harms way, most of a nation’s citizenry merely attempts to live a normal life amid the chaos of war. Doing business and living your life while bomb warning sirens shriek is something most Americans can’t grasp, thankfully.

Aeroprakt’s winners: A-22 on left in blue and A-32 on right.
Aeroprakt, builder of the very successful A-22 and A-32 series of Special LSA, suffered directly when a missile hit their flying club building (report here, scroll to last video). Their main factory remains in the central city of Kyiv, where it has been for many years. I visited this location back in 2003 so they’ve been stable for more than 20 years.
Their stability and determination to continue building and shipping quality aircraft as the war drags on is admirable. After an Oshkosh 2023 visit with former importer Dennis Long and present importer Andy Humphrey, I have some Aeroprakt news to report. For those who enjoy video, two appear at the bottom including a full-length Video Pilot Report on A-32.
Aeroprakt of Ukraine
in 2023
I had to ask, even though I was worried about the answer: “How is Aeroprakt doing while the war rages?” It is reasonable to think Aeroprakt must be struggling to stay aloft when so many citizens are focused on defending their homeland. The glare of the world’s spotlights during the turmoil is surely uncomfortable and unhelpful.
Yet, “They are back to ten aircraft per month,” said Andy. “Their best-ever steady performance was 12 aircraft per month before Covid and then Russia’s invasion. So, they are doing surprisingly well.”
I asked about supply line problems and while acknowledging many challenges, Andy indicated Aeroproakt is managing well enough. “They have to deal with power outages at times, shifting to generators to keep the machinery humming,” he stated.
He also noted Aeroprakt is shipping materials in and finished aircraft out of Poland, a country that has been very supportive of its Ukraine neighbor. Aeroprakt employs about 50 personnel and has remained steady throughout the last three years. Dennis Long added that Aeroprakt has now passed 1,500 airplanes manufactured. Many light aircraft builders would love to match that performance
After A-32’s introduction five years ago, Aeroprakt has continued to upgrade A-22 even after the original was greatly streamlined to arrive at A-32.
Because I’ve written about A-32 and A-22 in earlier articles, I’ll skip a detailed description here and instead recommend this article or the videos below.
One of A-22’s newer changes included a third door (nearby image).
While we are anticipating Mosaic LSA or mLSA to offer larger cabins in 2025 and beyond, today we have some spacious LSA like A-22 and A-32. The third door made using their larger cabin much easier.
After eight months of 2023, Andy’s Heavenbound Aviation said sales are running about 50/50 between A-22 and A-32. The former, which has sold more than 1,000 units, has become popular with flight schools. They don’t need the speed and sophistication of the A-32 and the prior model is attractively priced for flight schools or recreational pilots. “A-32 generates interest from its 115 knot cruise, 27-knot stall (great for shorter airfields) and its brisker climb,” said Andy. “On the other hand, A-22 is more forgiving on landing as its flatter fuselage allows better slips and it doesn’t retain energy as efficiently as the slicker A-32.”
No matter which model may catch your interest, Heavenbound is prepared. “We have all spare parts to service Aeroprakt’s line in our Ohio facility,” reported Andy. He also said that his enterprise enjoys a good relationship with the local FSDO (Flight Standards District Office) that approves Aeroprakt models as they arrive in the U.S.
Heavenbound has long been an active flight training operation as well. “Today flight training is a busy activity for us. We have three CFIs offering flight instruction in two Aeroproakts and two Taylorcraft,” clarified Andy. Though the Lordstown, Ohio outfit has as many students as they can handle, they always make room for a new Aeroprakt buyer. When I inquired, Andy said that “more [buyers] than you think” take instruction with their aircraft purchase, as many as half of them in recent years.
IFR Trainer
Heavenbound brought the first full-IFR-equipped A-32 to Oshkosh and it sold before the week finished. Since Aeroprakt has modest prices compared to many other LSA — A-22 is the price leader but even A-32 isn’t bad — you may not be surprised to learn an IFR A-32 sells for $195,000.
An IFR-capable Aeroprakt A-32 fitted with Garmin G3X Touch, GTN 650, plus Garmin autopilot and all lighting.
Before you gripe about that price, remember a basic A-22 is far less. If you select the thoroughly redesigned A-32 with an expensive Garmin IFR suite of digital instruments, the cost will be much higher. You may not need all that.
Surrounding the Garmin G3X Touch main screen, Heavenbound specified the GMA 24 audio panel, a GTN 650 for IFR operations offering GPS, nav/com, VOR, ILS, plus RNAV capabilities. Those who want some of this equipment but can operate more simply could save a bundle by choosing the Garmin 175 instead, Andy explained.
The fully-equipped A-32 is ready for cloud penetration assuming the pilot has the credential (an IFR rating) and is current. Naturally, it is not approved for flight into known icing.
As you can see in the Video Pilot Report below, A-32 can have a central Y-stick but dual yokes is how A-22 was originally fitted. Note a bottle holder on the side of the panel which is built to allow generous forward-side visibility.
“A flight school or an individual can file IFR and do under-hood training operations,” in the Special LSA model, Andy explained. If a customer wants to fly into IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions… “in the soup” if you prefer), then that pilot will need to change to ELSA status where paid flight instruction is no longer permitted, though that may not matter to many pilots.
The IFR version is quite complete. “In addition to the panel instruments, our model comes with Garmin’s autopilot and all the lighting you’d expect,” finished Andy.
It is wonderful to see Aeroprakt continuing to build their handsome, colorful aircraft even as their homeland is troubled. This demonstrates the will of pilots and builders to pursue their interest in flight, regardless of obstacles placed in their way.
- Heavenbound Aviation, U.S. importer for Aeroprakt
- Aeroprakt, the Ukraine manufacturer’s website
- Detailed descriptions of A-22 and A32, on the importer’s website (in PDF form)
This 15-minute video provides a good description of the aircraft. Recorded at Midwest LSA Expo two years ago. If you are attending that event, Heavenbound Aviation will be present for closer examination and demo flights.
Also from two years ago, here is a full-length Video Pilot Report (36 minutes) with Dennis Long in Aeroprakt’s A-32.
Dan hope you’re well. I had planned on buying an A32 but every time I would talk to Dennis or Andy the price would shift upward. The A32 well equipped is $200L. Aeroprakt is doing no one any favors. When you started out I remember years ago and when I talked to you at Mount Vernon you told me, “The idea of light sport aircraft was to be affordable.” Well, Dan Aeroprakt is not affordable and I feel they are ripping people off. Dan you’ve got to remember this aircraft is built in Ukraine. I’m married to a polish woman who is part Ukrainian so I have visited Ukraine. Well, if I told you what Ukrainians make per hour, you and your audience would laugh up a storm. Bottom line, markup on this aircraft is crazy high considering where it comes from. Again, Aeroprakt is doing no one any favors except themselves. See you at Mt. Vernon. 😉
Garmin and IFR increases the price quite a bit. You can get it much cheaper if going with the Dynon VFR setup. Overall this airplane is a good value for all that you get.
Has anyone fitted Floats To the A32?
That question is best directed to Heavenbound Aviation, however, the A-22 has a significant history with floats and performed quite well. Given A-32’s very slow stall, I should think it would also work well on floats.