You can purchase ASA’s Rotax 9-Series DVD program and booklet directly from Adventure Productions (call 775-747-0175) or Lockwood Aviation.
At airshows or other gatherings, I’m always amazed at how many pilots attend talks on engines like the Rotax 912. For those who thirst for more, here’s the newest DVD from ASA‘s Freedom to Fly video series on the operation and maintenance of a Rotax 912. ASA’s program covers a wide range from checking the oil to reviews of the electrical system or carburetor synchronization to cold weather techniques. Learning the right methods can prolong engine life and reduce maintenance costs. The video production features a talented group composed of ASA’s Sport Pilot expert Paul Hamilton with Phil Lockwood of Lockwood Aviation and Dean Vogel from the Aero Technical Institute. “This DVD is particularly useful to maintenance professionals, pilots, and flight instructors operating Rotax-powered Light-Sport Aircraft,” said Hamilton. He reports the program is the only one of its kind. The DVD, $49.95, runs 68 minutes and includes 17 minutes of bonus features plus a booklet with quick reference checklists.
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