As we near the fourth anniversary of the introduction of the first special light-sport aircraft (S-LSA) in April 2004, notable successes have been achieved. With approximately 1,000 fixed-wing LSA-plus several hundred flex wings-in the national fleet, and with the entry of Cessna and Cirrus into the LSA marketplace, LSA have clearly become part of the aviation scene. Whatever the soothsayers predict for the future of LSA, one fact has been established: Pretty yellow taildraggers generate a solid following. Combining the sales of American Legend Aircraft’s Legend Cub, CubCrafters’ Sport Cub, and European supplier Zlin’s Savage, nearly one in five S-LSA registered in the FAA’s database are yellow taildraggers. American Legend currently leads in market share, but CubCrafters steadily rose through the ranks during 2007. Well down the list, but with mounting registrations, is the Zlin Savage. Though it more closely resembles the RANS S-7 Courier than the traditional J-3 Cub, the Zlin taildragger has much to offer.