“Now, wait a minute,” I hear some object! “You can’t do aerobatics in a Light-Sport Aircraft. It’s not allowed.” Are you sure about that? True, most LSA are not recommended for aerobatic flying or training. However, one of the main reasons for that is that Rotax does not want their LSA 9-series engines used for aerobatics. If the engine manufacturer does not permit that, we’re done talking. It cannot be used that way. The airframe maker can also stipulate no such operations. However, neither FAA regulations nor ASTM standards expressly prohibit aerobatics. We’ve already seen one entry that is capable of aerobatics — the FK-12 Comet biplane — but when that model uses a Rotax powerplant, going upside down on purpose is not permitted. Has Magnus got a valid reason for pursuing aerobatics? Are they trying to invite owners to fly this way? A better rationale: With a capable aircraft, a qualified instructor can offer what some call “Upset Recovery Training.” Others may say “unusual attitude training,” but the purpose is to prepare pilots who may find themselves in unfamiliar — “upset” … “unusual” — situations, so they know how to exit that condition.
UL Power Engines North America
Website: https://ulpower.com/en
Email: rhelms@ulpower.com
Phone: 573-434-0075
Lake Ozark, MO 65049 - USASun ‘n Fun 2021 / Wrap Up — More Airplane News Will Follow, but How Was this Year’s Event?
Next Airshow: EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
Even while Sun 'n Fun 2021 enters the history books, light aircraft news will not stop. How was this year's event? In a word: successful, in my opinion. I saw a healthy number of vendors — around 80% of 2019's roster, according to officials.Big crowds surrounded the four Texas Aircraft Colts in the main display area of Sun 'n Fun 2021.
A sky-watching crowd at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh (vintage file photo).
Continuing News from Sun 'n Fun 2021
Crowds were thick by the fence at the edge of the Paradise City turf runway. Nightly STOL competitions started after the main airshow ended, followed by a flock of vendor flying until dark. Here Steve Henry's screaming Yamaha 300-horsepower Just Highlander blasts off after a ground roll barely longer than the aircraft.
Everyone has returned home from the first major airshow in too long (other than the wonderful sector-specific event called Midwest LSA Expo). Well… everyone went home except a substantial group of volunteers who stick around for days or even weeks afterward to clean up and prepare for next season. Thanks to all volunteers for their efforts that make these events possible! However, while we celebrate Sun ‘n Fun 2021 having a worthy success, aviation is not out of the woods yet. Just today, I learned that Aero Friedrichshafen has been cancelled for 2021 — after twice changing the dates in the effort to schedule a time that works for vendors and pilots plus assures safety for those attending. Aero will next be held in 2022. Main organizer Roland Bosch said, “We have to postpone the Summer Edition of Aero 2021. It’s hard, but it is the best solution [given these] circumstances, I think.” Europe remains much more locked down and restricted than the USA — certainly moreso than Florida, which has been open for many months.