When your product fits a small space in the instrument panel, how do you show off such a small product in a more visible way at airshows. TQ Sales Director Sebastian Glück had an idea. He worked with TQ Aviation managers to acquire a beautiful Dornier Do 27 and applied the bright blue TQ logo to the airplane. Did it work? Absolutely. The handsome aircraft (it is far from a Light-Sport Aircraft) was prominently parked during the DeLand Showcase 2019 and TQ could be pretty certain every single attendee saw the aircraft. Dornier Do 27 is a light single-engine six-seat STOL multi-purpose transport aircraft produced by the German manufacturer Dornier-Werke GmbH. Instead of four passengers, Sebastian and his associate Karl-Heinz Reichmann used the huge aft doors to load all their airshow exhibit gear. The space was full but loading it looked very straightforward except for hoisting it up high.