Unless you’ve closely scoured the Internet or shows like AirVenture, you may think Light-Sport Aircraft are mostly foreign. By FAA registrations, that’s still correct; some two thirds are imports. But Yankee companies aren’t playing dead. *** An Orlando, Florida company says it has secured funding and is proceeding with a proof of concept aircraft called Horizon. This is a wide (51 in.) cabin, pusher engine, twin tailboom design using composite and metal construction with a base price target of $79,900 (probably a lot less than the “micro-jet” variation they see as a future project). *** One of the founders of New Horizons Aircraft is S-51D designer, Jim Stewart. His 70% replica Mustang that sold about 70 kits was powered with a 400-hp Chevy big-block engine. I took a flight in this thrill machine several years ago and I can still remember its powerful acceleration down the runway.
American Companies Continue LSA Development
An artist's concept starts to take form at New Horizons' facility. A composite body is attached to a metal structure and is mated to a 120-hp Jabiru 3300 engine. Info: email Michael Hudkins or call 407-375-1926.