Among all airplanes I’ve flown the AirCam may be the most fascinating. This superlative twin-engine “ultralight” offers flying in a way few (or no) other airplanes can. (I earned my multi-engine rating in an AirCam.) Given my interest, I’ve followed the efforts by owner Antonio Leza to sell the operation. Over the last few years several would-be buyers came and went. No deal happened. Last fall I SPLOGged that Sebring businessman Shawn Okun appeared to have it sewn up. Again, no deal. *** But that’s over now. The dust has settled and AirCam is headed back to someone I consider its “rightful owner:” Phil Lockwood. This time the sale is for real and includes all design rights, tooling, jigs, and inventory for the AirCam and Drifter. Phil has a long history with both designs; he knows each intimately. *** Phil and wife Tish have worked hard to build an expanding enterpise at Sebring.
AirCam, Drifter… Dust Settles; We Have a Winner!
The Drifter, one of the most popular and rugged ultralights ever built, is now sure to continue its life under the direction of one-time Drifter marketing man, Phil Lockwood (nearly at the beginning of his career in light sport aviation).