I write about affordable aviation whenever interesting material is available. This website will eventually (probably by August or September) move to the AffordableAviation.com domain that I purchased many years ago. It’s important to me that pilots can actually afford to own and fly their own aircraft because I am one of you. I maintain you’ve always been able to find affordable new airplanes but you had to accept something other than a 150 knot four seater. Part 103 has always been a choice — no medical, N-numbers, or pilot certificate needed — yet not everybody wants that. A great many pilots desire a two seater, even if they nearly always fly it solo. You usually pay more for a two seater, making it less likely to be affordable. One modestly-priced two seater is available, fortunately.* A Genuine Bargain? One flying machine made flying affordable some years ago but it rather quietly slipped from the American market.