Aero is open! Yesterday, after flying across the Atlantic and despite starting to run low on energy and affected by the time zone change, a small group of us eagerly took a walk through Aero’s cavernous 12 halls to get a early peek.
As I’ve observed many times, the night before, mere hours ahead of the show opening, the exhibits look chaotic. With packing boxes and parts strewn everywhere it seems impossible vendors can be ready in time. Aside from a few well-heeled organizations — those larger businesses that can pay outsiders to set up their exhibits ahead of time — most companies were scrambling furiously to be ready by opening day… which is now today.
Unpacking a big rig — Americans are generally not familiar with semi-tractor trailers that open as you see in this delivery of helicopters. Such side loading of fabric-covered commercial trailers is common in Europe.
Yet it always works, magically perhaps. Once again, late hours turned into a show by Wednesday the 19th, opening day. The show runs through Saturday the 22d. If you’re in Europe, I hope you’re coming. If not, I’ll do my best to show you what caught my attention.
What follows are a few images I captured as vendors continued their work (with apologies for showing how their spaces looked before all was complete). I’ll describe each in a few words and will start regular reporting tomorrow. However, setting up is an essential airshow activity — and a fascinating aspect, at least to some of us.
Aero 2023 Preview
Count Dracula Flies! — From the producer of the all-composite Swan 103 that has interested Americans, here comes Dracula.
If you liked the high-wing Swan from AVI Aircraft but preferred a low wing, your prayers have been answered.
Yankees finally saw Swan at airshows last year, but they didn’t know what was next.
At Aero, AVI is introducing Dracula, a single-seat low-wing that can fold up into a trailer that looks impossibly small. I’ve already captured more images and information and will be writing about this soon.
Many readers enjoyed my review of Swan (video) and those who love a low wing look will now have an alternate choice. Plus, this Romanian company has embraced electric propulsion and offers gas or electric on their airplanes.
Rotax on RV? — Wait! That’s not new. Van’s Aircraft already does Rotax, albeit only on RV-12, their LSA model.
The tail paint scheme caught my attention as it camouflages the QR code on the tail (yes, the code works).
Most RV models predate the -12 and commonly use Lycoming or Continental. Those engines have been well established for many years and many RV buyers choose an engine they know …or at least they do in America.
In Europe, Rotax is very well known but that’s not the only reason to choose it. Rotax is also more fuel flexible and that’s key. Around the world, avgas is rare and frightfully expensive. Since Rotax can use mogas — which can be mixed with avgas in any proportion — it easily wins the international battle.
This RV-4 uses a Rotax 915iS yet qualifies as a “ultralight” in Germany (indicated by the D-M… registration numbers).
916iS Popping Up More Frequently — I’ve already reported on Rotax’s 160 horsepower 916iS but it was the first time most had seen or heard of it.
As airframe producers made the effort to configure the new engine to their aircraft, its appearance is becoming more common.
One of the best marketers in the LSA space, JMB Aircraft, prominently featured one of their sleek VL3 models sporting the new fuel-injected, intercooled engine.
They are also displaying their turbine-powered VL3 and this reflects an interesting shift I’ve seen. Where once diesel engines for aircraft seemed to be all the rage, that has clearly faded and turbine seems to be moving into the space. Weights are less than combustion engines, or even electric due to the mass of batteries. Maintenance can be low with TBOs that run well beyond a piston engine. Fuel burn can be just 10 gallons per hour. While burning significantly more fuel than a Rotax 915iS, turbines have their advantages and interest appears to be growing.
Junkers A60 Side-by-Side — Perhaps you loved the A50 Junior we saw at Sun ‘n Fun (article), but you wanted side-by-side seating and tricycle gear. The German company — with production in Battle Creek Michigan (in the same facility where Waco biplanes are built) — has you covered.
These are somewhat specialized aircraft and they may take a certain kind of buyer. However, you cannot fault the exquisite design effort and the painstaking detail that shows in the construction.
With adequate funding and a strong push from the owner, Junkers is back in aviation and is set to make a greater impact on recreational aviation. Who can’t like that dedication to an activity we love?
Maggie and Scott Severen (on left) and Daniel Guenther and Mathias Betsch (far right) of Flight Design flank Randee Laskewitz and me as we toured around Aero ’23 to see what’s new. photo by Jan Fridrich
Airshow buddies! — Ask anyone who frequents airshow like I do and you will often hear how much pilots enjoy these event partly because they can run into old friends. After 25 years of attending Aero, I’ve come to know many in the European region and it is a great pleasure to have a conversation with them.
Delicious Differences
Unlike American shows that largely take place out-of-doors, Aero commonly hosts elaborate displays possible when exhibits are protected from weather and inside where stage lighting and dramatic backdrops can be arranged. While everyone comes to look at the airplanes, you cannot help but notice the great effort (and expense!) that many companies went to as they showcase their product. That and restaurant food available in multiple convenient locations (and even a beer garden for those that enjoy such). One more mundane thing that suits visitors: indoor plumbing (and I won’t say more).
I hope you can make it to Aero but if not, keep dropping by to see what’s news at Aero 2023!
Europe’s Aero covers developing projects better than most shows I attend, thanks significantly to my aviation journalist friend, Willi Tacke who almost single handedly brought the e-flight expo to Aero.
One interesting project that I wrote about years ago is the PAL-V roadable airplane or flying car. This particular project is flying, and is seeking regulatory approval from authorities. They echoed Terra Fugia by saying the most challenging part is getting approval for a vehicle that can drive on the roads.
Rigged for flight (top), another example was fully folded for road use. I didn’t ask about price, because, well… you know.
Self launching electric sail planes please!
Need more info on. Risen915is
I presume you have since seen the article on the Superveloce.
Gotta put that show on my bucket list ! It is so cool to see what creative folks of Europe and Asia dream about… and then actually bring to market.
Please post some info on the GoGetAir G750! I love that plane!