With downtown Miami only half a mile away, Ultralight Adventures does seaplane-based training and intro flights in one of the most cosmopolitan settings imaginable. That’s how you attract celebrity customers like Enrique Iglesias, a top Latin singer (and son of Julio) seen taxiing in this photo.
More than a decade ago, Tony Anderson started teaching students how to fly on floats. Today, his family enterprise spreads across three aviation businesses. In a recent visit I was most impressed to witness what the Andersons have built. From their home base with hangar right on an in-town lake to the North Perry Airport FBO to a downtown Miami seaplane operation, Tony and son Adriel have this major tropical metro covered. At North Perry they also run their FK Lightplanes USA enterprise, importing and selling the Fk9, Polaris, and Comet. On my visit the Fk9 used for training was constantly busy plus I saw two brand-new Fk9s available for immediate delivery. Across the city in downtown Miami, Tony and Adriel operate several Drifter 912s on straight Lotus floats. Adriel directs this training and intro lesson operation. He’s accumulated a rather astounding 5,000 hours in one particular Drifter and it isn’t the only aircraft he flies.
I am looking to learn to fly one of the FK9 drifters. What can you tell me about your training sessions? Thanks, Loren Omick.
Hi Loren: Be advised Tony and son in Miami have moved beyond Drifters and have not represented the FK9 for several years. I do not know if they continue to follow light aviation or this website so your message may not get through.
Ultralight on floats. Miami. I’m interested. How do I contact you ?
Hi Chris: I also responded to your direct email but it had too little info so I did not know how to answer. Regarding the Miami floatplane operator, Tony and son have moved to a larger floatplane. I do not believe they have “ultralights” on floats anymore (a two seater is not technically an “ultralight”). Did you follow the links in the article to their contact info? Try that first.
An ultralight is most definitely and technically a single or double seat (side by side)plane . Been flying them for years.