Typical Dynon SkyView screen…TCAS symbols not yet available.
Top glass panel maker Dynon
just updated its SkyView panels to include air
traffic alert and graphic display, just like the TCAS
(Traffic Collision Avoidance System) the big boys have… although for many more
Grover Clevelands *** Traffic
targets will show up on SkyView’s moving maps and
synthetic vision displays as standard TCAS I symbols, identify the
location, severity of the threat, distance, vertical separation and heading of
any aircraft within the traffic system range.
Nothing like having your own radar-like warning system in
flight. *** “Within the United States, SkyView displays TIS traffic when connected to Dynon Mode-S transponders or a Garmin GTX 330 Mode-S transponder,” stated Dynon. TIS is a ground-based system available in all Class B and some Class C airspace where most traffic conflicts arise.
SkyView can also receive traffic information from a Zaon
XRX PCAS passive traffic receiver, a Navworx
ADS-B receiver, a Trig
ADS-B receiver, or any device that outputs the industry standard
traffic format. Essentially this means SkyView’s new traffic feature
can be used worldwide. *** The new traffic feature comes with all Version 2.6 software, available
now on all new SkyView units and downloadable for
free for current SkyView owners.
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