Confirmed participants in the 2009 LSA Mall include: FPNA Valor A-22; Flight Design CT; Paradise P-1; Remos GX; Gobosh G700S; Sportsplanes Breezer; AirMax SeaMax; Apollo North America Apollo Fox; FK Lightplanes Fk9 on floats; TL Ultralight Sting S-3; AMD CH-650 LS; T&T Aviation Falcon; 3Xtrim Navigator 600; Jabiru J-230; Arion Lightning; and, SeaRey LSX; and, IndUS Aviation Thorpedo. More than 80% of Sun ‘n Fun visitors will pass through the LSA Mall.
REPORTING FROM SUN ‘N FUN — For the last three years, Sun ‘n Fun management has generously provided an excellent location at this season-launching airshow. Coordinated by LAMA, the Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association, the industry has responded warmly, each year populating the LSA Mall with some of the best selling aircraft in the sector. The LSA Mall has become a place where manufacturers want to show their newest products. (By example, the 2009 Mall has the very first Lightning SLSA and the soon-to-be SLSA & ELSA SeaRey amphibian.) *** So, once again, just inside the main entrance gate, visitors will immediately be greeted by a rainbow of Special Light-Sport Aircraft. LSA Malls have proven extremely popular with visitors because this industry showcase of models saves a lot of walking the grounds to compare one aircraft with another. Those still unfamiliar with the newest aviation segment can see a whole fleet of airplanes in close proximity; company reps are on hand to offer details and prices. Although some visitors head west into the forum tent area, most take the east gate entry and find themselves immediately in the LSA Mall. Adding to the flock of airframes in many configurations are engine displays from Jabiru and Rotax with the latter erecting their Rotax Service Center chalet inside the Mall space. Representatives from AirFleet Capital (financing) and ASA (pilot training) will also be present. Come check out the 2009 Sun ‘n Fun LSA Mall! Perhaps we’ll meet…
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