Looking out the window, I see cold gray clouds and possible precip. Of course, it’s late Fall and this is the Northeast, so we call this Situation Normal. *** Which means it’s never too early to imagine warm weather and blue skies…which naturally leads our daydreams to the LSA kick-off aviation event of the year: U.S. Sport Aviation Expo, AKA Sebring: the pre-eminent happening for us sport flyin’ types since it debuted in 2005. *** It’s only 66 days until the show, which runs Jan. 20-23, 2011. Start making those travel plans, flyfolk! *** Sebring’s founder and head honcho, Robert Wood, is already busy wrangling the exhibitor lineup. *** “We actually have a waiting list for inside exhibit spaces and have very few outside spaces remaining for the January show,” he said just a few days ago. *** Many of the top makers are already signed up, including American Legend, Flight Design, Cessna and Piper. *** This year’s theme is A Salute To Military Veterans. *** A temporary FAA control tower will keep everything kosher from 9 to 5 every day (which is a good thing, as air traffic can get mighty busy with all the demo flights.) *** EAA, Avemco Insurance and other aviation notables will run several forums through the four-day event. *** Admission is a reasonable $10/day or $30 for a 4 day event pass. You can also camp “under wing” if you like. Plenty of parking there too, and there are motels conveniently located. *** Okay, okay, maybe it’s a bit early with the holidays just ahead, but I can’t wait! Sebring is the most enjoyable pure-LSA event of the year. Be there or be square, y’all.
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