Lean and smooth, the Sinus offers genuine soaring performance from a Light-Sport Aircraft. Those lovely, compound-curved wings are almost 50 feet in span!
One aircraft I’d waited anxiously to fly is the Sinus from Pipistrel in Slovenia. Forget the weird-sounding name (they say to pronounce it “seen-us”) because this is one impressive flying machine. I first saw it in France four years ago and my pilot report will appear in the October 2005 issue of Ultralight FLYING!. You’ll want to read that article for lots more info but the operative performance parameter is a 28-to-1 glide! I had the good fortune to fly a tricycle-gear Sinus for 45 minutes with the engine off, as it’s designed to do. Wonderful! For more info on Sinus and their other oddly named Virus aircraft, click here.
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