Using a blend of composite and fabric, Skyboy is powered by the Jabiru 2200 80-hp engine and a Woodcomp three-blade prop to cruise at 100 mph (85 knots). But it’s those very comfortable seats that stand out in the pilot report I wrote.
Way back in time, back before Light-Sport Aircraft…well, five or six years ago, Skyboy was one of the hot ultralight models. Prices were low, flight qualities were good, and cabin comfort was excellent. It also had a unique look. But after a fast start, Skyboy seemed to lose direction. Even a name change was attempted to reposition the design. Waves of new SLSA were stealing the show. *** Yet Skyboy is back! Interplane remains the manufacturer, but now Doug and Betty Hempstead of Fantasy Air USA and Allegro fame have picked up the Skyboy. And they got it SLSA approved, number 41 in the SLSA sweepstakes. The North Carolina company is establishing itself as a supplier of modestly-priced yet intriguing SLSA, the Allegro for sixty something, and now the Skyboy for a remarkably low $47,500. Lots of options can be added, but for well under $50K you get a fairly well equipped, ready-to-fly airplane.
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