Air Creation’s new TanarG lowers the trike’s overall c.g., and stability is increased due to arack-and-pinion nosewheel steering.
Air Creation’s trademark red-and-gray color scheme helps illustrate the TanarG’s resemblance to the company’s other models but the difference is in the details.
Folding down the TanarG will be a whole new and better experience for owners who want to do it solo. The fulcrum is now much farther forward than on older models.
Formerly, the structure of all Air Creation trikes was built of aluminum. Now, a weldment does the job, offering a new look.
On the horizon
Air Creation’s new TanarG is a high-end, high-energy alternative.
Thanks to aviation pioneers in France, Americans use terms such as empennage, aileron and fuselage. For 2005, we can learn a new French word: TanarG. This is the name of a new aircraft from Air Creation, the world’s largest trike builder. And based on a first review, this is the slickest rig from the company to date.
At first glance, the TanarG Air Recreational Vehicle (it’s a trike) may appear like the company’s Clipper model, but look more carefully. This new chassis has so many changes that up close, it bears little resemblance to earlier models.
What’s In a Name?
When I first heard from John Kemmeries of Air Creation USA, he said that the term tanarg “is an ancient word meaning a strong natural force, such as a tsunami.” Given last January’s earthquake in the Indian Ocean and the subsequent disaster, tsunami takes on new meaning.
Air Creation’s Jean-Luc Tilloy expanded on the definition: “Apparently it is more specific than just a strong natural force. We understand tanarg refers to thunder. The origin of the word is very old-how old we don’t know. It is not found in any modern language we can find.”
Tanarg is also the name of a mountain near the Air Creation factory. The French say a monument at the base of the mountain refers to thunder but gives no information as to the origin or exact meaning of the word. “We feel that if we spell it TanarG, with the emphasis on the G (like ‘energy’), it will be easier for the American tongue.”
I like it better than TanaRG, the company’s original Americanization, which suggested retractable gear.
An Airborne Motorcycle
The TanarG’s new body fairing incorporates elements of the modern breed of high-speed motorcycles often referred to as crotch rockets, which help lend a dynamic appearance to the machine. According to Kemmeries, “The TanarG brings the highly developed innovations of the motorcycle, ATV, jet ski and automotive industries to bear with the same clear focus Air Creation applies to safe, practical, maintainable performance and handling.”
Like the Honda Gold Wing motorcycle, this is a deluxe trike. “The only nonstandard OEM options are towing [linkages] and dual control for instructional use,” Kemmeries says. Aftermarket options include an emergency parachute plus radio and instruments. In addition, Air Creation USA’s custom shop can add anything on a time-and-materials basis, including position lights, Mode C, GPS and more.
But the TanarG is not for those on a limited budget-it retails for $52,750 (at current dollar/Euro exchange rates) with a Rotax 912 and the top-of-theline iXess wing. “Our current 912-powered rig is about $10,000 less,” Kemmeries says. “We will continue with the GTE and Clipper 912 models to remain viable to a larger demographic.” The company also sells a modestly priced Fun Racer.
The TanarG can be fitted with the Fun 450 wing (slow), the Kiss 450 wing (medium), or the iXess wing (fast). I’ve flown all of these wings and each has something to be said for it but I would recommend either the Kiss for its sweet handling or the iXess for excellent all-around performance and handling. The latter is most valuable for cross-country flights; it is quite speedy.
“The TanarG utilizes adjust-able rack-and-pinion steering, allowing the pilot to be seated behind the front wheel as op-posed to over it,” Kemmeries says. Such an arrangement helps to significantly lower the aircraft c.g. When coupled with all-wheel hydraulic disk brakes and large-footprint tires on a longer wheelbase, the TanarG provides the stability, handling and driving performance found in rally race carts. Since steering is adjustable, the TanarG can accommodate persons ranging in size from 5-foot-5 to 6-foot 10. “All points of pressure on the occupant have been eliminated,” Kemmeries said. “Wide seats and full back support provide lounge comfort for any waistline.”
Easy setup and handling is engineered into the new geometry, which represents a radical departure for Air Creation. The mast connecting wing to chassis now hinges on a structure pivoting near the fore/aft center of mass so that one person can more easily do a solo setup.
With good speed, a highly reliable four-stroke engine, easy flight characteristics, plenty of occupant comfort, and space for gear and supplies, “TanarG is the ultimate touring machine,” Kemmeries says.
Coming to America
The TanarG is coming soon. “We will have the first TanarGs in Arizona in late March and will show them at Sun ‘n Fun 2005,” Kemmeries said. “It appears that the price will not discourage the well-to-do buyer, as the first batch has already sold.”
To date, Air Creation USA has ordered 20 units for 2005, and the company is hoping to double that. But demand is high in other countries, so Kemmeries doesn’t know if he will get many more than 25 units. “We may sell out this spring,” he said.
Air Creation has been working on a new factory in China to help keep up with demand. “China is up and running, producing the current GTE, Clipper and XP models,” Kemmeries said, “but this won’t help the U.S. market until the initial Asian order is completed.”
Meanwhile, Air Creation USA will be out in force promoting the company’s entire line of colorful trikes. “We will be sending a team on a marketing tour this summer to fly to events and shows around the country with a TanarG 912 and a GTE 912, both fitted with the iXess wing,” Kemmeries said. The tour starts in June. If you’re a potential high-end trike consumer, don’t miss the chance to check out this sleek new machine. J
For more information:
Contact Air Creation USA/Kemmeries Aviation at www. or call 623/566-8068.
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