A great old name has returned! The Flightstar is back. Actually, the design has survived various ownership changes quite well. The original Pioneer Flightstar became the Argentine Aviastar. Now original designer, Tom Peghiny, has bought the plane and the name.
It’s all-American again, too, made in the USA. Above you see the F.A.R. Part 103-legal version, the Flightstar Classic. The Classic has a big brother single seater and of course, a two-seat trainer. The Classic is the company’s primary fun machine, though.
All the Flightstars were designed under accepted engineering methods. They’ve also been given the touch by Peghiny, an ultralight pioneer who aviation business experience dates back to his teens. It’s easy to see this successful combination if you examine individual component design and finish.
The Flightstar has an avid following of five hundred owners who love the way their planes fly. The Classic has simple features and low price while maintaining wonderful handling qualities. The side-mounted joystick delivers a smooth linkage feel with response both predictable and authoritative.
Performance is solid. The light single will sustain altitude at a low power setting, even on a 28 horsepower engine. Flightstars are strong throughout their speed envelope. The Classic makes for a good choice in a legal ultralight at a fair price. Being a quick bolt-together kit doesn’t hurt.
Full Review in Nov. ’93 UF!
Is there any place to buy a new Flightstar? or anymore production?
Unfortunately, Flightstar is long out of production and a return is not anticipated. The good news is several used ones may be found in the usual listing locations. Good luck!
Does anyone have the assembly/maintenance manual for the pioneer Flightstar? Electronic would be easiest but anyway you have it I need it. Where is the S/N located on the Flightstar?
Thanks all
I have SN 609 and the complete assembly manual, the Kawasaki motor manual from AED, the FAA paperwork proving it is Part 103, and transition manual.
I have Pioneer Flightstar SN 391. I am looking for a copy of the assembly manual. Would you be willing to make a copy of your manual? I will certinly cover the cost.
I have it in a 6 MB PDF. how can I get it to you?
HI Chuck Jones, I am purchasing a flightstar next week and would like to get a copy of the manual. Happy to pay for it on a thumb drive or sent via pdf. sparkskeywest@gmail.com. Thanks in advance, David Stiles 305-998-8068
I have a single seat Flightstar that needs a POH before I can sell. Do you have any recommendations?
I would first recommend social media pages or you can go to Flight Design USA. That company has never represented Flightstar aircraft but some of the same people are involved and they may offer some solution.
Where is your location and how much are you asking for it like it is? I am very interested. I had a 1981 Flightstar and hate that I sold it. I’m looking another one.
I have a Pioneer Flightstar, made about 1981. I have the assembly manual but it does not have any electrical diagrams or electrical setup instruction. I’m having some electrical issues: some wires under the instrument panel have broken off and I don’t know where to put them back; my accessory lights will not work and I don’t know which wires go to which light circuts.
Might anyone have an electrical diagram or manual or know where I might get one?
Thanks a ton, Andrew
Hi Andrew: I reached out to someone knowledgeable on your behalf. You should be hearing from them separately (probably by email as you also sent this inquiry via that method). Early Pioneer Flightstar aircraft had no electrical system so such components may have been added by a subsequent owner. I trust you will get the info you need, though.
I recently purchased a FLIGHTSRAR S/N 391.
I am looking for an assembly manual.
I am interested in purchasing a copy.
Can you help?
Can anyone help Andrew?
are you still looking? I have SN 609 and the assembly manual, Kawasaki 340/440 manual, and transition handbook. For the cost of Kinkos scanning them into a PDF I will gladly share w/ the community.
I am still looking for the manual. You can contact me directly at l.osswald@xlmachines.com
I will cover the cost.
I had a pioneer dealership in East Central Pa. in 1980.
Are these ultralights still made?
If so, can you email me information i.e. specs, engine and price.
I have missed this aircraft ever since I sold it in 1986, working and moving had nowhere to store it.
Thanks Tom
Hi Tom: No, this company changed hands a few times and then discontinued production. New designs from other companies have emerged and this website offers lots of information on other choices.
Was there ever plans that were released for sale?
I have not heard of a plans set for this aircraft.
I have a Pioneer Dualstar that is in excellent condition for sale. New fabric sails. Extras include: ELT, radio, dual EGT, dual CHT, RPM, along with standard aircraft instruments.
Is this still available?
Need photo’s, asking price, location.