Calin Gologan, the freshly bestowed LEAP Award, and Elektra One. Exciting times ahead.

Remos GX getting some help from the line dude. Lots and lots of traffic today.

LSA Mall seemed to be buzzing all day long…

Nice air plenum in the Alto 100 sends cooling air over the canopy. An integrated heating element defrost too…I bet Ron Corbi will sell a lot of these.
Hansen Air Group’s gorgeous FK12 Comet acro S-LSA is here too…so much foot traffic has come, it’s worn out the grass next to the plane!
busy busy busy
Randy Schlitter’s newly reworked S7 with cool
New balanced ailerons for the S7
Legend Aircraft’s new Super Legend. Lovely!
It’s late, I got heat stroked a bit in the beautiful but intensely sunny day so I’m going to post some pix of some things I saw at the show with short captions and will hope to get back with more details once my feet stop throbbing and my brain temps cool down a bit. *** A beautiful day in Oshkosh. Everybody was catching up on flying after being in the gloom and doom for two days. *** The electric symposium went off well, I assume, although I missed it, had to try and get in a thrice-postponed flight with Remos… which was postponed yet again. Bummer. That’s happening now at 6 am… about 7 hours from now. Yark! *** I had a nice chat with Calin Gologan, the extremely tall creator of the Elektra One that won the Lindbergh LEAP award today. He told me they have achieved a battery storage density improvement that will allow them to make a 500 mile flight in Germany, they hope, this August. *** A very nice, very brilliant man. *** The Corbi Air Alto 100 was there, with an installed air conditioner! Very nice install, they’ll be selling them to experimental builders and LSA makers too.
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