The very dreamy airplane above is the proposed AveoPhantom from AveoEngineering. You won’t see it at Oshkosh, but the LSA industry will have several interesting airplanes to capture the attention of those trekking to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, which starts Monday July 23rd. Sport Pilots will want to visit the LSA Mall
This time of year, excitement starts to hit fever pitch. Web visits to reflect that, growing substantially as the season’s biggest airshow approaches its opening date. Attendees will see new jets, new engines, new avionics, and all manner of aviation gear…and the world of Light-Sport Aircraft is also a player. *** Some, like the highly innovative AveoPhantom (photo) may not appear though AveoEngineering is scheduled to display its impressive line of avionics for LSA (and homebuilts). The company, with manufacturing in the Czech and Slovak Republics, is active in many corners of LSA development. *** Others include the new Cessna Sport; speculation is rampant about what differences visitors might see from the Wichita giant…and what engine they’ll offer (most bets are on the Continental O-200). Plus, watch SPLOG on Monday for a Big Surprise Announcement. *** If you can go to Oshkosh, you’ll see for yourself. But I’ll try to keep you up with the latest and greatest right here. And most other online outfits like AvWeb, Aero-News Network, and EAA plan daily coverage.
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