Zephyr’s beautiful shape used mixed construction to achieve very light empty weight (among LSA) coming in under 600 pounds with basic equipment. More Zephyr Info
Atec Zephyr is a modern-looking LSA that wraps a slick carbon fiber shell over multilaminate wood bulkheads. Zephyr’s shapely compound leading and trailing edge wing uses a wood spar, composite leading edge, and fabric aft covering. The T-tail is composite over wood. A backwards-opening bubble canopy tops off a roomy cockpit. This aircraft is available through the LetsFly.org group of over 100 cooperatives. The Zephyr, Faeta, R-80, C-42, Thorpedo, and several other aircraft are available in a partner-like program that is well established and proven. Cooperatives operate somewhat like clubs in allowing a share purchase for modest cost. They are operated by a local manager who earns a percentage of airplane sales and accessories. LetsFly.org boasts a broad line of new and pre-owned airplanes available. If the price of LSA puts them out of your reach, LetsFly.org might have a solution.
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