The number of Light-Sport Aircraft continue to grow, but the real upward trend may yet be ahead of us. Cessna and another major aircraft producer are expected to enter the market this year. Thanks to Jan Fridrich of the Czech LAA for help with the data collection.
After 26 months and a few days, LSA now exceed 1,000 aircraft in the U.S. certified aircraft fleet. That sum represents an annual sales rate of nearly 500 aircraft per year. Since June 1st, another 49 fixed wing aircraft have been added, an annual rate of almost 600 aircraft. *** Of 1,030 registered as of July 1st, 81% or 833 are airplanes, 153 (15%) are weight shift control “trikes,” and 44 (4%) are powered parachutes. No gyros, gliders, or light-than-air have been certified or registered at this time. As always, be aware that FAA registrations may not precisely equal total customer deliveries. *** Our top three leaders — Flight Design, American Legend, and Evektor — held their positions. Tecnam again gained a notch, now occupying the #4 position. Jabiru USA and Remos also moved upward (at least in percentage) and Czech Aircraft Works elbowed into the Top Twelve. Flight Design, Jabiru USA, and Remos added the most registrations accounting for over half the increase since last month’s tally. Happy July 4th to all!
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