Because deviled eggs. (Photo: Amy Wilder)
It’s delightfully warm and getting even better here in Lakeland, Florida, for the 50th running of the Sun ‘n Fun. What’s happening? Lots. Why haven’t you read much of it here yet? Good question.
Truth is, I was stuck on the Experimental side of the situation—not a bad place to be, actually—for the first day of the show. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t news to report. Junkers unveiled its new radial-engined A50 today. I spent some time with Dynon Avionics to talk about the new 12-inch version of the SkyView HDX. (See the video I did for Kitplanes below.) And there’s much more to come, with an important opening reception tonight centered on the LSA market. Plus a few of the hardy souls who reached out with an interest to write for this site have been turning in their fine words.
Sun ‘n Fun, from a working perspective, is a whirlwind. News conferences sometimes overlap important forums and other product announcements. But that makes for good buzz and considerable enthusiasm.
So bear with me while we gather the news and plug it into our magic “ones and zeroes machine” for your enjoyment!
(Photo: Amy Wilder)
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