In the last month, market shares didn’t change significantly with the Top Five retaining their positions even while additional newcomers entered the market. Thanks to Jan Fridrich of the Czech LAA for help with the data collection.
Based on FAA data* from early May, 92 new SLSA registrations brought total SLSA to 930 aircraft, up 11% in one month and up 46% since January 2007. *** For sellers in the market, it has become more crowded. Eighteen months ago the LSA community had certified 16 new models; now, we’re at 50. More choice is great for consumers but it’s challenging for sellers as many choices can slow the purchase decision and new players eat away at market leader shares. *** Despite that observation, the big sellers remain on top. Flight Design retains its leadership position, as does U.S. builder, American Legend (chart). Evektor (#3) and TL Ultralight (#4) held their positions while Tecnam and Fantasy Air moved up one. Some shuffling occurred below the Top Five with U.S. producers AMD and CubCrafters generating more registrations. Jabiru USA moved up a notch and Aeropro and Remos made the top ten…albeit because of two ties. * FAA registrations do not precisely equal customer deliveries.
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