Meet the Boss – Chris Collins leads the organization producing the Midwest LSA Expo.
The second annual Midwest LSA Expo is set to launch. The exhibitor count is up from last year’s inaugural event, according to main organizer Chris Collins. Print and web publisher Roy Beisswenger has organized a slate of forums (click for a PDF list), including yours truly. Aviators Hot Line has a special edition and General Aviation News is producing the program, which this year will feature data about all exhibiting aircraft plus offer informative articles. If you can’t wait to see what’s happening or if you’re planning your visit, you can check out this program right here. *** Last year’s first event was praised for the good organization (fairly amazing for a first year when glitches usually appear). Hotels and restaurants weren’t far away and the airport terminal building offers dining, regular airport services, and regular bathrooms, not porta-potties. Indeed, how civilized! *** The Midwest LSA Expo is about a week earlier than last year and being in southern Illinois (a long state), weather should be mild. *** Last year Collins reported 42 airplanes on display plus another 30 exhibitors. Catch more detail on the video appearing on the show’s website. *** People flying in — and plenty did — can catch a shuttle provided by the organizers to nearby hotels and restaurants. Last year, hotels were readily available so even those without reservations should be able to find accommodations. *** I’ll arrive for opening on Thursday September 23rd. The Midwest LSA Expo runs through Saturday the 25th. Come on down and enjoy some Light-Sport Aircraft action!
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