Rotax Gurus — Phil Lockwood (L) and Dean Vogel (R) may not look like “gurus,” but each of these fellows has enough knowledge to qualify. LSA owners and pilots may enjoy their Rotax courseware, but A&P mechanics really need to investigate. Phil will give a free seminar at Sun ‘n Fun in the FAA building at 10 AM on Sunday April 18.
Rotax gurus Phil Lockwood and Dean Vogel updated their “Rotax 912 Engine Introduction” DVD with a free nine-minute YouTube posting. On-camera, the dynamic duo covered the new AeroShell Sport Plus 4 engine oil, new oil pressure sender, 10% ethanol guidelines, details of the Rotax 912 2,000-hour TBO (Time Between Overhaul) plus a demonstration of how to get the updated Rotax information. See Rotax on *** Online and video entrepreneur Paul Hamilton published an on-line eLearning course for renters, students, pilots, owners and mechanics. Paul stated, “This is needed by FBOs, schools, instructors, and manufacturers to qualify operators for ‘basic’ operation of Rotax 912 engines. This is especially important for pilots and mechanics transitioning from classic aircraft engines (Continental/Lycoming).” *** The eLearning course provides video from Lockwood and Vogel plus classical text for the course covering the proper oils, fuels, coolants, starting and idling. Successful completion of a fifteen question quiz at the end provides a certificate. Here’s a good deal! Paul said his course is currently free but will be priced at $49.95 when the “trial is over.” Check out the course at *** This blog was prepared in cooperation with Paul Hamilton of Adventure Productions,, and Aviation eLearning. Paul is one of my go-to guys on Sport Pilot issues and his websites are full of useful info and easy-to-watch videos. –Dan Johnson
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