StingSport was the #5 SLSA certified, and the first to promote an airframe emergency parachute as standard equipment (they use Galaxy). SportairUSA also offers the PCAS collision-avoidance system, full-time carburetor heat, and AmSafe 4-point inertial-reel restraints as additional safety items.
The customer is king…even before becoming a customer. StingSport seller SportairUSA has launched an online survey to find out what you think. Will you waste your time? Not if you have an opinion and want someone to listen carefully. You could also pick up $100 in cash for your time and have a chance at a $1,000 bonus prize. *** To offer your thoughts, click here and follow the survey instructions. I did it in 10 minutes. They ask 23 questions, some with multiple responses and a few require you to type some answer. Results could provide valuable info. Last year, Flight Design surveyed customers and offered a prize. It’s great to see these leading companies working hard to get real opinions. But don’t delay. The survey runs only through the end of November. SportairUSA and their research partner promise your answers will remain anonymous and they won’t try to sell you anything as a result of your participation.
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