We spent the first day of the second year of this event zooming around DeLand Showcase 2017 shooting several videos for you and I have a sample MiniVideo for you to view. This short take is modest compared to the more professionally-edited ones my video partner SportAviationMagazine.com will produce from the footage we shot today. Here’s the link to Videoman Dave’s YouTube channel where you can find hundreds more.
Long days at the show filled with interviews, photo taking, and discussions with industry leaders and aircraft representatives swallow most of the available time. Yet these brief videos provide quick views and I hope to add more at DeLand and other events. Offer a comment if you like them.
The Evektor Harmony LSA is represented in the USA by Dreams Come True, run by Steve Minnich (who by the way has flown the subject aircraft some 700 hours …though the aircraft obviously has received plenty of care and attention). Dreams Come True is located in Ohio. Steve’s associate in American sales of Evektor products is Art Tarola of AB Flight located in Pennsylvania.
Is aeromomentum 100hp lighter than viking? By 40lb. Total installed weight?
Hi Rob: I don’t have exact weights and they can be somewhat challenging to match up, but I recommend contacting AeroMomentum for their view.
At DeLand one booth showed amphibian with aeromomentum. They told me they had also installed rotax and Viking. I asked comparison of comp!ete installation weights, all accessories, controls, fluids, coolers, etc. Their best guess was rotax lightest, aeromo plus 10#, Viking plus 30-40#. They liked the aeromo best for hp, GPM, ease of install an maintenance. Liked Viking least.