This website regularly promotes affordable aviation. Can you genuinely find an aircraft you like that is affordable? If so, are the smaller shows — ones I call “sector-specific” — the place to find them? Those two questions come up all the time on When you read Flying magazine or AOPA Pilot, the odds are low that readers of this website will find something they can afford. Both titles do a high quality job of covering aviation and I am glad they continue (though Flying is scaling back their print magazine to just four times a year). Yet the aircraft these two periodicals cover are almost never something I can afford; you may feel similarly. The fact is most aviation magazines and the bigger airshows are full of aircraft most of us cannot afford. DeLand Showcase Midwest LSA Expo and Affordability First the good news. Yes, you can find affordable aircraft (here is a series of examples).
Affordable Aviation — Can You Find a Budget-Meeting Aircraft for 2022?
DeLand Showcase Midwest LSA Expo and Affordability
First the good news. Yes, you can find affordable aircraft (here is a series of examples). Yes, you can find them at the sector-specific shows that serve the affordable end of aviation. The smaller shows charge a lot less to vendors and this makes it easier for companies building lower-cost aircraft to exhibit.Sprint Lite Gyro
Right at the top of their literature page, seller Blades Over Me wrote "Price: $35,500." Is that affordable? Well, it is one of the lowest cost gyroplanes I've found (along with the Fusion Nano reported earlier in this AirVenture round-up article).Sprint Lite features a robust engine mount to support its 100 horsepower engine.
Fielden Aero showed their Aeropup kit at DeLand 2021 after having reps at Midwest 2021 armed only with literature. I was curious to have a closer look at this Australian entry. American Don Fielden is the U.S. importer and you can look for a video to tell you more when editing is complete (be patient; my video partner will be off his usual fast pace for a few weeks but it will come).Aerolite 103
Charged to Fly?
Ka$h for Float$?
Whatever your budget, I hope you realize I will keep searching at small shows and large ones for aircraft you might be able to afford. Please remember, no matter what I find, that flying machine might fit your budget… or it might not. Only you can know that for sure. Tail winds, everyone!