Many of you know where the North Aircraft Display Area is…the kit-built area. And others remember where NASA has been housed for some years (now the Affordable Flying Center). The LSA Mall location is near the former indoor display buildings north of the old control tower.
Never before had EAA given any exhibit the wonderful space just south of AeroShell Square. Almost always — by example, the Countdown to Kitty Hawk exhibit — the space was used one year and then changed. EAA gave the LSA industry the space for three years running. *** EAA will be changing the ground layout significantly in the years ahead, so that space will be given another purpose. Yet attendees tell airshow organizers they like the LSA clustered together in a Mall concept. Otherwise, they have to travel the immense show seeking one brand or another. AirVenture layout planners listened to LAMA‘s request for a dedicated area and established a new location (see photo). *** EAA will also launch their new Affordable Flying Center and what better place for LSA to be co-located? Especially with 100LL at $6 a gallon, LSA look pretty good at 30 miles per gallon (4 gph and 120 mph cruise) and with auto gas capability. The 2008 LSA Mall space is filling to capacity, which could number about 20 Special Light-Sport Aircraft for your review, about the same size as the Sun ‘n Fun LSA Mall. The best news…a ranking EAA official wants plans put in consideration to continue the LSA Mall for 2009. Thanks, EAA!
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