Criquet Storch is an unusual Special Light-Sport Aircraft… in many ways. It looks unusual, modeled as it is after the World War II-era Storch which achieved fame or infamy by rescuing Italian leader Mussolini from a mountain side during that conflict. The quite accurate replica is also unusual for its different flight characteristics. One look at the long, long gear legs tells you Storch is meant for another kind of flying. Our video provides some of the story.
Your link to Criquet Aviation goes to a japanese site.
Time to do some site maintenance…
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The bad link was removed. With thousands of such links on, we’re bound to have a bad one now and again.
It would be great if you posted follow ups on companies you profile.
The Criquet Storch is no longer offered in US?
Criquet Storch was a cool idea but ran afoul of FAA manufacturing practices — though no flying aircraft in the USA were grounded. No word on any change to that status.