“You cannot fly IFR in a Light-Sport Aircraft!” Is that what you think? You might be wrong. In this video Bristell USA’s John Rathmell and I discuss this situation. Indeed, a path does exist for IFR operation in a Bristell and we will provide some details. (More can be found elsewhere on this website in an article published March 19, 2017.) Beside discussing IFR capabilities, join us for a flight in the wonderful Bristell, an aircraft I loved from my first flight in it.
I am from the SLC [Salt Lake City, Utah?] Metro and I’m having a difficult time locating a Sport Pilot flight instructor. Being that covid has been a time to reflect.
I’m retired, older, and ready to realize my dream and train for a Sport Pilot certification. Any help I would certainly appreciate.
Dear sir/madam:
May I know If it Is suitable for air club training school. And the price.
Ragab: If you use links provided in the article, I’m sure Bristell USA or BRM Aero will be happy to address your questions.