When most Americans think of a large foreign glider manufacturer, they may be quick to name Moyes, Airwave, Aeros or even La Mouette. But most would fail to mention Bautek, Germany’s main manufacturer. This oversight may be understandable since Bautek has spent little effort marketing in the U.S. They have been content to serve the large European market which has historically been of greater volume than we could claim, despite our larger population. All that is changing. Bautek has a new competitive topless glider aptly named (as we shall see) the Twister. Its performance is good and some special engineering renders it most desirable in terms of safety. In addition, the strong dollar in relation to European currency makes the price attractive enough to interest those pilots looking for a top performing, safe topless glider. I took delivery of the Twister at Monte Cucco, Italy where I flew it in the Pre-World meet.