ST. PAUL, MINN — The season is hot… or at least heating up, what with the 4th ECC92 (East Coast Champs) now over. Other news and There-I-Was stories will tell the tales. Here we’ll do our review of glider brands flown in competition. ••• As expected Wills had the majority at 34% of the field, up a point from ECC91. In a solid 2nd was UP at 28%, up seven points from last year, influenced by five Green Team pilots all flying TRXs (tho even without these, UP still held 2nd with 17%). A rather distant 3rd, Moyes had 13%, all-in-all a respectable finish for an import brand. Another Aussie brand, Enterprise, came in 4th with 12%, while Pacific Airwave — usually a strong contender — managed only 5th with a mere 9% of the field. Only six brands competed; Seedwings (4%) trailed the pack. ••• Some of the reason for Moyes to be showing well may relate to a blur of activity.
Product Lines – May 1992
ST. PAUL, MINN — With a bit of pride showing through, please note that with this column, "Product Lines" enters its 14th year giving continuous coverage of product-related news in hang gliding. Beginning way back in 1978, your readership made it last; thanks to all of you! ••• On with the show… in a rather unusual announcement, Wills Wing has told dealers they are working on a new competition glider, intended to give an edge to those U.S. pilots flying the WW brand for Team America in the ’93 Owens World Meet. Naturally, they’re still hush-hush; partly because the glider is far from determined yet and also to keep the competition from adapting their newest ideas. They have "several prototypes flying, but do not envision a new release in this category until at least the fall of the year." They did confirm the airframe will be 7075-based, continuing their satisfaction with this material (even though it must be imported, a difficult procurement task given long lead times, quality control checks, and long-distance shipping).
Product Lines – April 1992
ST. PAUL, MINN — Lots of news as another soaring season begins to take shape. Interestingly, even as the mainstream news media microanalyzes the country’s recession, the hang gliding industry doesn’t seem to be suffering badly. Pockets of sluggishness are countered by areas with early, brisk activity. • Notable perhaps, is Wills Wing’s expression of gratitude to its dealers and customers. "We feel very fortunate to have such high sales in spite of the current economy," reports their newest bulletin to dealers. Indeed! Increasing sales is a long-term thing for the Santa Ana company, illustrated effectively by their use of market share graphics in their two-page ad. In the last year alone, their piece of the U.S. pie is up 16% or 6 points from 37% to 43%. In another important area, WW has done very well with their Z3 harness, but such products aren’t surveyed. • Where is Wills finding those extra sales?
Product Lines – March 1992
ST. PAUL, MINN — When the wind howls and the snow blows over vast, frozen lakes here in the lovely Midwest, what better to do than load up a hang gliding video tape and dream about the speedy approach of spring. ••• Since reviewing Rob Reiter’s Hawaiian Flyin! video tour, several other interesting tapes have found their way to a pile growing beside my VCR. I’d be pleased to review them here and now except I haven’t found the hours to watch them all. We’ll spread them out. Who knows? Maybe you ought to send for the entire lot. Support hang gliding businessman… buy American, and all that. ••• This month we’ll look at Cloudbase III: "Hang Gliding Extreme," the slickest package yet from experienced videographer, Paul Hamilton. The entire genre of these tapes won’t reach the general public particularly well. They’re too long, have too much jargon and detail, and have too many talking heads, especially of people the general public doesn’t know.
Product Lines – February 1992
ST. PAUL, MINN — Continuing to ride the crest of a wave of popularity begun by the positive reaction to their TRX high performance model, UP is now preparing to introduce yet another new variation on the TRX planform. Last month it was was reported here that UP announced their XTR intermediate glider. Now the Salt Lake City area-based company is in the final stages of R&D on their XTC, an entry level glider. When completed, UP will have introduced three new gliders in a year! ••• The XTR, UP confirmed, is for Hang III pilots. Certification was underway as this was written. Price has been set at $3,795, or $3,495 without a VG system. The company says production was begun in December and that response has been satisfying. ••• The XTC is "an aluminum glider with a truncated planform, like the TRX and XTR, which has been designed to meet the needs of the entry level pilot." UP dealers will soon have a full line from the newly re-emerged glider builder.
Product Lines – January 1992
ST. PAUL, MINN — A new year of soaring begins and we can wonder what new records may fall (well, Larry?). What new designs will emerge? In the ’90s decade, UP and their TRX have enjoyed the limelight though sales still trail industry leaders Wills and PacAir. ••• Now UP offers an intermediate model using the successful TRX planform but with aluminum spars (it saves a few bucks). The XTR — once codenamed the TRX L — extends UP’s model line, cleverly employing the remarkable reception to the composite-framed competition model. The Utah-based builder is accepting orders while the glider completes HGMA certification. Selected dealers have flown the XTR and are reportedly excited. ••• Near the end of ’91, National Champ’ Tony Barton and aerobatic guru John Heiney returned from an eastern road tour promoting UP. A western tour is planned next. Contact the factory to be included in these plans.
Product Lines – December 1991
ST. PAUL, MINN — The fall board of directors meeting in beautiful Salt Lake City focused on paragliding. Here’s a few figures picked from several conversations… • APA membership is up to 800 nationally, close to APA Prez Peter Zimmerli’s projections of a year ago, but still a far cry from Europe’s alleged three to five times their hang gliding population. • USHGA membership climbed modestly but steadily to over 8,000 in recent months; 364 are paragliding-division members, "most of whom are HG pilots also doing PG," says E. D. Jerry Bruning. • Paul Voight’s survey of 105 USHGA Chapters brought 63 replies (60%). Forty percent were "Pro paragliding at site but against merger." In a separate question, a plurality (64%) said the Chapter was against any merger. Ironically, a majority (54%) have paragliding members in their Chapter, and 78% of those responding did allow paragliding at feasible sites. However, a third indicated other specific bad experiences with paragliding activities at their sites.
Product Lines – November 1991
ST. PAUL, MINN — The story within a story for the ’91 U.S. Nationals involves the gliders that 125 registered pilots flew. Of these, approximately 15% were foreign pilots, some of whom used American brands. While the selection of competing pilots may not mirror the choices of recreational pilots, the survey is of significant size and timely enough to warrant a recap. ••• Wills Wing was predictably the dominant brand, with a 29% share of the 123 flyers whose glider was identified in Tom Kreyche’s final results package. In the no. 2 slot with their hot new glider is UP, thermaling up to a 19% share. One of the international Big Four, Moyes came in third with 18%, fruits of their effort in North American sales. Showing a rather soft fourth place finish for the likely world leader of glider building, we find Airwave (UK & CA represented) at 14% of the field.
Product Lines – October 1991
ST. PAUL, MINN — A few places in the country are beginning to look like fall, as tree colors mark the close of another soaring season. ••• The much-debated Owens Nationals is history. Getting right to the point… Tony Barton was the victor, flying his TRX, a fact that must be making the year-old UP International smiling widely. In second was Thomas Suchanek (Moyes XS) followed by Jim Lee (HP AT 145) in third. In the top ten only five were Americans, what with the contest being widely attended by pilots from at least fifteen countries, beginning their two-year preparation for the 1993 World Meet in the Owens, the first ever in the USA. Some 126 pilots registered in what Bruce Case (12th) called, "hands down, the toughest Nationals ever." Fortunately, tough didn’t mean it was cruel (as some labeled the Dinosaur Nats). Six rounds were flown in good conditions and no one was injured, though a few "There I was…" stories were told about pilots finding themselves sinking out in an Owens’ canyon.
Product Lines – September 1991
ST. PAUL, MINN — A few things of interest again this month, as (trumpets blare!) our old faithful Hang Gliding magazine turns twentysomething. Yipes, can ya believe it? ••• Its summertime and the action is plentiful. Been doing some traveling; visited several hang gliding and ultralight dealerships (my job you know). Excitement surrounds the UP Int’l TRX. In the ’70s each new glider was heads above the rest. Those days passed into technical advances and fine craftsmanship in the ’80s. Raw leaps of performance gradually metamorphosed into professionally engineered refinements. I thought I’d heard the last of comments like, "No, really, this glider is a huge step over previous state-of-the-art. Flies better, lands easier, is lighter… blah, blah." You should judge for yourself, of course, but the TRX has earned wide praise from old timers. ••• In August, UP was out testing the TRX 140 or 145 (final sail measurements are still pending).
Product Lines – August 1991
ST. PAUL, MINN — Some times hang gliding news comes from right around home. This is one of those times and the news involves BRS. ••• The rocket-deployed parachute maker has issued a recall on certain hang gliding units delivered between 7/89 and 9/90 (though not all models are affected). It seems an aluminum supplier sold the BRS rocket manu-facturer a bar of aluminum stock which was insufficiently hardened. They know which batch as the company provides certification documents helping the identification. Tests have shown that some motors made from bar stock covered by that invoice are okay. However, during a test demonstration at least one failed. You’ll want to contact your dealer. BRS sells almost exclusively to dealers so they don’t know who final owners are (unless their registration cards were returned). The company plans to test and replace suspect motors at no charge. One benefit, says BRS prez Joe Little, is that "owners whose rockets are replaced will get new ones with an extended six-year life.
Product Lines – July 1991
St. Paul, MINN — Lots of deserving stuff came in for this month’s "Product Lines." While I’m delighted at the response to the column, I can’t use everything that arrives… not enough room. But keep sending your material; who knows? ••• As you know from the ads and editor Gil’s write up, Wills Wing has announced their new glider, the Super Sport. You’ll get all the poop from other sources. But I want to mention that WW has done a first with this release. All three sizes (143, 153, 163) were completely computer designed, flew "right out of the box," and are being submitted for HGMA certification at the same time! Quite a statement of engineering achievement. The Super Sport replaces the Sport AT. All three sizes are priced at $3,595 and have many AT features but no VG. Wills expects to be shipping end of July or so. Road Time ’91 so long distance guru, Larry Tudor, will be doing lots of XC on the ground as you read this.
Product Lines – June 1991
St. Paul, MINN — With this June issue of Hang Gliding, "Product Lines" enters its 13th year of continuous run, thanks to loyal readers and the many of you who have alerted me to news in our sport. Other columns have begun and eventually their authors retired, but this chatty column keeps flying. Yes, diver fans, there really is enough interesting hang gliding news to keep going for some 125 monthly columns (in the early days of "PL" in Whole Air, the column came out bimonthly). Thanks to all of you. Now, on with the show… ••• Aerotowing! It’s real and real fun, and before long, real obtainable. While ATOL and other suppliers like TLS have provided us with superlative platform towing hardware and the technology to tow to great heights and long distances, many like myself have felt that aerotowing was the superior way to launch. Except that it’s only superior if the tug is up to the special demand of towing hang gliders.
Product Lines – May 1991
ST. PAUL, MINN — Say diver fans, another World Meet is history and again we didn’t win. We have some of the best pilots, perhaps the best gear, yet the dang Brits beat us regularly. Ah well, you’ll read a full report elsewhere. In this column, we’ll look at what brands were flown by the world’s best pilots at the world’s top meet. Think you can guess? Try. Then read on… ••• Team USA was third, only 2.7% behind the leader (UK). Australia was almost 12% back (in 4th). The stackup of brands reflects something about the largest glider builders. Here we go: #1– Airwave (UK) at 23% of the field; #2– Wills (USA) at 16%; #3– a tie between La Mouette (France) and Moyes (Australia) at 11%. Thus the big four accounted for 61% of the gliders present. In #4– Enterprise (Australia) at 9%, coming on strong with their Foil; #5– Solar Wings (UK) at 6%; and rounding out those with at least 5% is #6– Firebird (Germany) at 5%.
Product Lines – April 1991
ST. PAUL, MINN — The competition season is upon us once again forming our top story in this edition of "Product Lines." The East Coast Hang Gliding Championships is being sponsored by Henson Gap’s Sequatchie Valley Soaring Supplies, the resident shop. The only significant (remaining) east coast contest has filled the void left by the disappearance of the Grandfather Master’s meet. The ECHGC will be the 3rd contest under this name and the 4th year for a world class meet at the popular Tennessee site. Now, it is the "only sanctioned cash purse meet," says contest director and organizer, Rick Jacob. "We’re expecting a minimum of $1,000 in cash, but more importantly, we’ll have numerous prizes with a cash value exceeding $3,000. It continues to grow from last year, when for example, Jim Zeiset won $250 worth of goods by hitting the spot at the end of one of the X-C tasks," added Jacob.
Product Lines – March 1991
ST. PAUL, MINN — Last month the big news focused on UP; this time look to WW (we all know who I mean). The reason? Wills held their first-ever paragliding seminar. Intended for dealers, the event drew well, including Morningside (NH) and Fly High (NY) from the east, five pilots from Japan, and the usual pros from the west coast (Windsports, Mission, HG Center, and Hang Flight, among several others). Total attendance was 35+ for the 10-day long event. The first days were basic training in flying paragliders, followed by an ICP and advanced canopy handling. The basic days were incredibly reminiscent of hang gliding 15 years back. Guys like Larry Tudor, Rob McKenzie, and Joe Greblo were seen jumping on the launch truck like it was their first day of flying, counting the number of flights they made in a day, and looking ever-so novice as they grappled with new wings and techniques.
Product Lines – February 1991
ST. PAUL, MINN — This month’s big news focuses on the UP company. As many of you readers are veterans of the sport, the history of UP is familiar. The illustrious SoCal builder has undergone several designers, managers, and owners. Each such change no doubt extracted a toll. As ’91 begins UP launches into yet another transformation. ••• To begin, the mysterious Terry Reynolds wing mentioned in December has now popped up… guess where? Yup! UP will be the builder of the newly named TRX. Check their ad in this issue. Reynolds will fly the TRX in the Australian Nats, then will join fellow ’91 World Team Member, Tony Barton, at the Brazilian Worlds. The TRX is a high aspect ratio wing (8:1) with contemporary span (36 ft) and planform (132¡ nose) that tips the scales very lightly (60 lbs) by using carbon fiber spars built in a $9 million shop.
Product Lines – January 1991
ST PAUL, MINN — Aloha! With his wife, Toni, Jerry Forburger completed his deal with airpark developer, Bill Fulton. The ATOL’ers have begun employment with Sport Aviation Hawaii and will begin by offering tandem intros to the islands’ millions of visitors. Tourists and students will get to soar some the smoothest lift in the world (“…after about 700 feet, lift seems to fill the whole valley.”), viewing spectacular scenery: incredibly steep green mountains, cascading waterfalls, and an uncommercialized tropical landscape. Few outsiders have ever set foot in the Kaaawa Valley ’til Fulton made his deal with the Kualoa Ranch family. Says Fulton, “We’ve had visits by several experts. Many think Sport Aviation could be one of the world’s largest schools.” To qualify for such a title, the business will count an expected 20,000 Japanese tourists a year flying on the world’s longest Hang Glider Simulator®. ||| Fulton orchestrated hang gliding participation in the Navy Hydrofest ’90, a fund raiser (needed after budget cuts) to help the Navy provide recreation for the thousands of sailors who regularly dock and restock at Pearl Harbor.
Product Lines – December1990
WASHINGTON D.C. — This month’s “Product Lines” comes from our nation’s capital at the occasion of the USHGA’s fall board of directors meeting. Other reports will relate the actions of the board. But at the gathering, two interesting and nascent product-related stories emerged. ||| No. 1 is confirmation by mainline hang gliding writer, Dennis Pagen, regarding his plans to pursue a longtime desire to design and build his own glider. A rumor that he would abandon his writing efforts (supposedly to focus on a new manufacture undertaking) proved to be baseless. He does plan to take preliminary steps toward a “limited production” of a new design. But “I’m not doing this as a income-earning venture,” says Pagen, “That’s not my present goal.” ||| No. 2 comes after lengthy prototype activities by World Team member, Terry Reynolds of Colorado. Employing exotic new airframe materials, you’ll want to read more on this exciting project next month, after additional tests.
Product Lines – November 1990
ST. PAUL, MINN — In announcing minor refinements on the Sensor E model, Seedwings begins to reveal their accord with the Austrian distributor now representing the brand in Europe. ||| First, the E model has control bar hardware which permits the glider to be laid down flat without disassembly of the wings. This has long been a requirement of the European pilot. Next, the Sensor has a speedbar, which they’ve subjected to 1,000 pounds without seeing deformation. It has only a 2.5 inch offset, reducing flex and allowing better in-bag storage. ||| Bob Trampenau’s design will now use streamlined down tubes offered by Finsterwalder, one of Europe’s up and coming manufacturers (who recently acquired the Charly company, a big manufacturer of safety and accessory products in Germany). Seedwings has enabled the airfoil downtubes to fit all models of the Sensor line. ||| While many pilots are attracted to the airfoil downtubes, some pilots raise a question.
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