ST. PAUL, MINN — Back home after attending the big Sun ‘n Fun airshow and just before that another USHGA board of directors meeting in Colorado Springs (the HQ of the association for those of you just back from another planet). ••• One of the evenings involved a little party at Yoo-shga offices. While the directors and a crowd of perhaps 50 persons milled about, someone pulled old copies of this magazine off the neatly organized shelves. Editor Gil Dodgen, myself, and several others enjoyed the memory lane trip of rifling through the old rags. • As many of you recall, this column, starting its nineteenth year with this issue (!!), is a take off from the old Bill Allen "Flying Bull" column that ran back in the late ’70s. When Bill had to step down, he called for a writer to succeed him. When none came forth, I adapted — and always gave credit to Bill for — his style within my own Whole Air magazine.
Product Lines – May 1997
ST. PAUL, MINN — We’re in the high season now, and except for the excess moisture in some parts of the country, hopefully it’ll be a year for some excellent flying. One place this will happen in in North Carolina at the oldest ongoing hang gliding event in the world. ••• In just a few days, the Kitty Hawk Kites 25th Annual Hang Gliding Spectacular Competition will combine with the USHGA National Fly-in. Those of you who can ought to trek to Jockey’s Ridge in Nags Head, NC and make the event. It should prove memorable… and not just because it is probably the oldest HG event in the world. • Stars will be present: WW prez, Rob Kells; long distance king, Larry Tudor; writer/meet director/gear seller, GW Meadows… oh, the cast of characters goes on. • An action-packed event is planned with a key element being the flying. A great time of year on the Outer Banks, you can soar the famous sand dune that has trained more hang glider pilots than any other in the world, or you can aero tow at the relatively nearby Currituck Flight Park.
Product Lines – April 1997
ST. PAUL, MINN — Back home in cold country after a couple delightful months in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area. Soon the season will heat up… and so will the soaring. News surrounds that pleasant development. ••• Moyes has introduced their version of the topless phenomenon that appears to be sweeping the entire design world. The down-under company will call theirs the CSX, saying it is based on the Super Xtralight SX series. • "Due to its use of carbon fiber," Moyes says, "[it] draws upon the technological leaps and bounds made by the massively funded America’s Cup yachting industry." They explained further saying, "The CSX’s center crossbars and divesticks come courtesy of one of the foremost yacht-makers who have been utilizing composite fibers for years." • Moyes also says it is using "Sail Propensity, or SP," which they define as, "an exciting new sail twist innovation which alters the sail’s wingtip loading based on the glider’s angle of attack." • While most glider builders do all their fabrication in house, Moyes continues to outsource work like the carbon fiber parts and even sail making.
Product Lines – March 1997
HENSON’S GAP, TENN. — When I have the opportunity to write from Dunlap, TN — the self-declared "Hang Gliding Capital of the East" — I enjoy writing "Henson’s Gap" at the head of this column. I’m still here and loving it. ••• News this month includes some different stuff. First is a fascinating project just getting underway by my old friend, Tim Morley. Many Californians know Tim and a number of others will remember him as the longtime Wills Wing touring rep (a few souls before Larry Tudor took over nearly a decade ago). After his WW tenure, Tim had an accident when flying tandem. A fairly minor incident injured his spine in a way that took him out of foot-launched hang gliding. Talking to him on the phone, you’d never know, so upbeat is his attitude and enthusiasm for light flight. • Morley’s got a great idea to help disabled folks sample light flight.
Product Lines – February 1997
ST. PAUL, MINN. — Back from warm San Diego to the "Deep Freeze" of Minnesota, I’m still in shock. It’s already hit 25 below zero and we have an average "snow load" of nearly 40 inches, the most snow ever on record for this time of year. Oh, brother! Good news, though. My wife Randee and I are splitting the snow scene for a two month respite. Yup! We’re headed to Chattanooga for the months of January and February, so you needn’t shed any tears for us this winter. In fact this is no vacation; instead it is an off-site working situation that we’ve been carefully arranging for several years. You’ll note a new address at the bottom of this old-timer column, BUT… the address will change back to Minnesota on about March 1st. So, if you’re one of the many who are kind enough to send along your opinions or news, do so to the address below only through the end of February.
Product Lines – January 1997
SAN DIEGO, CALIF. — Topless fever is coming! Relax! I’m not talking about the famous nude beach in this southern California city which last month hosted the USHGA board of directors. Of course, I’m talking about gliders without kingposts or upper rigging. Only a couple months ago, I relayed the thoughts of a German competition official who felt America was behind the times because our manufacturers were not embracing this new idea. I speculated myself that it might be another fad like scoops were not long ago. But in the months ahead, you will hear about topless entries from Wills Wing and Pacific Airwave. These will add to the Laminar ST, Terry Reynold’s new glider, and of course, the glider that started it all, the La Mouette Topless (although this brand has only a tiny presence in the U.S. market). ••• Rob Kells of Wills Wing confirmed they expect to put such a kingpostless glider on the market in 1997.
Product Lines – December 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN — With elections behind us (thankfully!) and strains of the "Little Drummer Boy" already driving us a little crazy, we’re in the Christmas season once again. I wish all of you warm holidays with family and friends. Now, on with news in hang gliding. ••• In recent years and months, the glider building business has been remarkably stable (or is that "quiet?"). Wills Wing continues to display dominance of the U.S. scene and also populates sites in Europe, Japan, and elsewhere. Pacific Airwave holds the second seat securely after recovering from the usual trauma of a move. Downwind from these leaders the field is less distinct. Seedwings labors along with their beautiful machines, albeit in smaller numbers but maintaining a ferociously loyal following. Moyes proved to be an import star in last year’s survey and we’ll soon see if the new one you received last month shows a continued success.
Product Lines – November 1996
OSHKOSH, WISC. — In a different location this month, "Product Lines" comes from the headquarters of the EAA or Experimental Aircraft Association, the folks who build their own aircraft. The occasion was the assembly of the USHGA Board of Directors Planning Committee. This group of some the industry’s most important leaders gathers with the goal of looking longer range for the health and capabilities of USHGA. It was my pleasure — and honor, I must admit — to keep company and work with this group. • The PlanComm meeting took place at EAA after Executive Director Phil Bachman and I had met with EAA president Tom Poberezny last May. He offered their venue (versus an hotel somewhere) and we jumped at the chance. After Tom addressed the committee on two occasions, most felt satisfied that we had gotten some sound advice. EAA represents 165,000 members, has 145 employees, and an enormously impressive facility which includes a very professionally executed museum.
Product Lines – October 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN. — Our Just Fly U.S. Nationals are over and I heard little about the influence of the so-called topless gliders. I didn’t think much about this, being unsure if this idea is good design or merely good marketing. ••• However, German team leader Ernst Schneider sent E-mail which suggests that topless acceptance by contest pilots in Europe is much stronger. He writes, "Kingpostless gliders have gained popularity amongst competition pilots in Europe very fast this year and showed very good results at recent competitions." The results he listed put topless gliders in winning positions at the German Open (a Guggenmos "Cut RCS" won, followed by a UP "Speed") and six of the top ten at the German League were topless. Interestingly, though they showed well in the latter meet, the top three were "conventional" hang gliders. ••• In a related item, this German correspondent also states, "Market share of U.S.-built gliders in Europe has decreased significantly during the last years and it rather looks like this will continue." He notes that Americans may regard European gliders as having low standards of quality, safety, and performance, but adds, "…it looks definitely that the U.S.
Product Lines – September 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN — The 1996 U.S. Hang Gliding National Championships — this year known more briefly by its sponsor name: the Just Fly Nationals — is over. Several tidbits of information resulted from the gathering and good ole, late-breaking "Product Lines" is here to tell you some of them. Since Meet Director, GW Meadows, is a regular Hang Gliding writer, you’ll read a thorough article in a later issue. But as I write this at the end of July, Meadows is presently enroute from the Nats to the giant Oshkosh airshow. He was willing to stop along the way and call in a few stats to my voice mail… so, thanks in part to the layout of this back-of-the-book page, you can read a few essentials now, barely after the meet is over. (As this column was completed, the rest of HG is already done and in final preparation for printing.
Product Lines – August 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN — Airshow season is here. About the same time we hang glider pilots are heading out to sites across the country to catch the big thermals of summer, millions of non-pilots (and pilots) will attend local-area airshows. They’re America’s second largest public spectator event after baseball, quite a statement in a country known around the globe for having countless choices of entertainment. At how many of those airshows will the millions see hang gliding? Darn few! ••• One man is changing that by succeeding as few before him have done. Dan Buchanan performs despite physical challenges (a vehicle accident if you don’t know Dan’s story). He was able to fly the main airshow at Oshkosh last year, no small feat since the Wisconsin convention is one of the world’s largest events with close to a million people attending. Some pilots have waited literally years to get in, that is, to volunteer to perform; no pay is offered.
Product Lines – July 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN — About as you’re reading this, the "Umpteenth Annual 4th of July Festival of Foot Launched Flight" in Lakeview, Oregon is about to begin. If you live on the west coast you could read this and still attend, so, consider it a last minute invitation. • July 3-7 are the dates and they promise an interesting roster of activities. A cumulative cross country contest will award a $1,000 cash prize to the winning hang- or para-gliding pilot. Don’t want to hassle with cross country? Try their Trophy Dash, a timed race (Speed Gliding?) good for $100 to the winner. • Or, you can earn your aero tow rating, a mildly ironic sign of the times since the event calls itself "…Foot Launched." Hungry Joe Szalai and Bill Martke of Moyes will bring a Dragonfly tug and will offer aerotow training to pilots who want a break from running off the several mountain launches at Lakeview.
Product Lines – June 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN — As we circle into the soaring season, I have an eclectic group of topics. But first… ••• Like it or not, it appears some kind of FAA rule change is coming. Our reps to the ARAC group meeting with FAA are Dennis Pagen and Mike Meier, two solid individuals who will present our position well. It’s simply too early in the process to report what’s happening as the game could change following the response FAA requested of the ARAC industry group. Nonetheless, it appears certain that some changes are imminent. If more information is available by next month’s column I’ll provide more on this subject. Meanwhile, back at the grassroots… ••• I’m personally pleased (being financially involved with the project) to report that the Cumulus ultralight motorglider flew. Under development since 1993, the pace quickened in the last half of 1995 and the motorglider flew in March 1996.
Product Lines – May 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN. — This month is my review of the product-oriented aspects of the USHGA’s annual survey. Since it comes with the ballot, a high percentage are returned. Because of this Yoo-shga enjoys more reliability in its surveying than do most organizations. ••• The overall statistics haven’t have shifted much but a couple surprises do reveal themselves, notably increases in hang gliders flown (relative to paragliders anyway) and more women than ever flying. While more and more leaders are becoming convinced of the need to expand hang gliding, the commercial industry which serves present enthusiasts continues steadily with few changes. ••• One non-product item worthy of note. Our "maturing" sport has now crossed a benchmark line: The average age slipped quietly by the fortysomething figure, coming to rest for 1995 at 40.4, up half a year from last year. Fortunately, personal income also crept up, stopping at an average $51,295 per member.
Product Lines – April 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN. — Back home in frigid but thawing Minnesota after a temporary warmup in the Sunshine State last month. Halfway in between is a place virtually every hang glider pilot knows: Chattanooga. My former hometown, it was the birthplace of "Product Lines," but these days it’s best known for its major hang gliding enterprise — Lookout Mountain Flight Park, or simply LMFP. ••• Owner and boss, Matt Taber, though well known to most anyone in the sport, is something of an unsung hero. In recent memory surprisingly little has been written about the country’s biggest shop. LMFP is "biggest" by virtue of enrolling more students in the USHGA pilot proficiency program than any other school, a laudable achievement. The Lookout Mountain site is one of the country’s best known flying sites, visited by pilots from all over the USA and the world. You might also call it the biggest shop because Taber owns both launch and landing sites, to include a huge LZ where he is now building cabins for visiting pilots.
Product Lines – March 1996
ORLANDO, FLORIDA — Escaping Minnesota’s arctic winter for a few days of work in Florida, this column comes to you from the sunshine state where I got a glimpse of a new design in testing. It shows a distinctly American slant… on a new glider design trend that seems to to be showing strength in Europe. ••• What with winglets last year and internal ribs the year before — well, also ram scoops used by at least two builders before that idea lost momentum — the new notion of "toplessness" appears hot as a pistol. French giant La Mouette already has a glider called the Topless, and German leader Bautek has an entry in the topless sweepstakes named the Sunrise. These gliders have no upper rigging whatsoever. La Mouette is advertising "no kingpost and no compression strut." The Dijon, France-based company also boasts a four Gs negative load capability thanks to a carbon spar.
Product Lines – February 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN. — In another month or so, the soaring season will once again kick into high gear. At least, I hope it’s another good year with abundant thermals and perhaps a new record flight or two. It’s up to you, of course… you and you diver. Which brings me to an observation after reviewing the January issue of Hang Gliding. ••• Because I have flying interest that straddle several aircraft segments, I see about two dozen aviation magazines a month. I’ve been watching a trend in all of them, dating back into the early ’80s or even before. By my perception, aircraft manufacturer ads are steadily giving way to what I’ll call aftermarket ads. This is true in every aviation magazine I get and it looks like it’s happening in Hang Gliding, too. ••• "So what," you ask? Here’s what: if folks selling accessories items (instruments, helmets, parachutes, clothing and more) are buying more and more of the ad space while aircraft manufacturers are buying less, what does it tell you about the future?
Product Lines – January 1996
ST. PAUL, MINN. — Welcome to a new year! With the holidays behind us (whew!), you may have some gift cash burning a hole in your harness pocket. I have a few suggestions to help you unburden that pocket. But first… ••• The big news in the safety business is the unanticipated departure of Second Chantz, ballistic parachute maker and marketer of owner John Dunham’s A.I.R. rocket. Second Chantz succumbed to a legal system (with which we’re all-too familiar) that can create huge bills even when a company is unlikely to lose a case. The Reno outfit ceased taking orders on November 1st and will halt all service work January 31st. Too bad, Second Chantz was an innovator that we’ve now lost forever. I wish John well in his new endeavors, namely selling Air Création trikes. As it turns out, Dunham entered an agreement with BRS after closing Second Chantz, so fortunately he’ll still have input to ballistic systems for hang gliding.
Product Lines – December 1995
ST. PAUL, MINN. — Up here (too) near the arctic circle, it’s clear that winter is just ahead. It didn’t appear that way in Orlando, Florida at the end of October when You-shga’s board of directors got together for another of their twice-a-year meetings. In addition to the business of the association, many directors took flights at one of the two airparks near Orlando. For some of these leaders, the operations provided their first chance to see aero towing happening in an enthusiastic way. For others it was their first chance to be aerotowed. ••• The Quest Air bunch at Groveland Airport (just west of Orlando) hosted the Thursday night "Ice Breaker" party that forms the first assembly of the board. Many directors arrived early enough to tow from behind three Dragonfly tugs present. (One is operated by Quest Air, and the airport is the new home of Bobby Bailey’s Dragonfly building enterprise.) After sundown, Quest Air and friends put out a superb Mexican Buffet and served beverages in their newly remodeled clubhouse.
Product Lines – November 1995
ST. PAUL, MINN. — Taking a break from towing this month, we’re back to diving down hills. And I do mean diving, and I do mean down. As in fast. As in speed gliding. The first Official Speed Gliding Contest in Washoe Valley — near Carson City, Nevada — is history. • Speed Gliding: I think UK developer, Murray Rose, has encouraged a means of showcasing hang gliding which is one of the most exciting ideas to come along in years. Such a venue might help hang gliding earn an entry to the Olympics or another world-class event. I acknowledge that such vast media attention may not be an universally-desired objective. Many hang glider pilots may not want the growth that comes with promotion. Nonetheless, the activity is so promising that I’m tickled to see a speed gliding event held so we begin to learn how it all works. ••• According to Ray Leonard, "The racing was fun and exciting." The event took place at the Washoe State Park (at the foot of Slide and McClellan mountain launches).
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